
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Of course it’s not over

The sun is shining, the thermometer is just short of fifty, and there are cars in the nursery parking lot.  It’s good for both my expectation and purse that I’ll be out of town for a week. Else I would be looking to buy whatever is out, and add some color to my outdoors.

There is political news. The ACA vote is delayed. The house lost the propaganda value of overturning the ACA on its anniversary date. The World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan, 2017, must try again for votes.

In the meantime, the House inquiry into Russian interference in the last election is in doubt. Nunes, who chairs the committee, took confidential information to President Tweet. I’ve heard that compared to Donna Brazile passing questions to Hillary Clinton, pre-election. Grow up. Clinton was not the sitting president, and Brazile was not under oath. Scandalous, yes. A scandal, no.
This presidency is costing us so much. Trump sons travel the world on Trump brand business; Melania stays in New York; Ivanka inherits the west wing office and awaits top security clearance. Actually, I think all the Trumpsters are in Aspen this weekend, with a hundred secret security agents. Dumping Meals On Wheels cannot underwrite this expense, even for a day.

A terror attack in London, and its population does what grown up’s do. Gets on. Life goes on. We face down the terror by keeping on; living our lives, believing our beliefs, supporting what we care about, and not taking it for granted. Some more post cards and phone calls do not go amiss.

I enjoyed, and participated in a FaceBook challenge. Paul Ryan had disconnected his office phones and faxes at the beginning of the ACA replacement debate. I took up the challenge to land several tons of postcards in his drive way. Recently the challenge was to mail postcards to the White House, all on March 15th. What better way to have a president wonder about his approval rating and why it’s running low.

My post card stash is running low. I’m currently working on my wimp senator, Rob Portman, to oppose The World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan, 2017. Something is getting to him. His office phones weren’t answered today.

It’s too soon to hang hope on spring, but not too late to effect damage control leading up to the next election. In the meantime, some kitchen window photos.

Excess rosemary, drying in the egg separator.

 The orchid will be in bloom, when we are back next Friday.


  1. Hari OM
    Impeachment looking to be ever closer; the ides of March would have been brilliant, but any time now will do. Over here we are shaken, but not stirred. Stiff uppers and all that. YAM xx

  2. Ain't it great? He is even threatening his party to vote for the terrible Trumpcare. Isn't it funny he doesn't want his name on it? My Sens and reps aren't even showing up at their town hall meetings. Don't want to hear about it and don't care. Just hope everyone remembers when re-election comes around. Have such a good time on your trip.

  3. You've summed it up nicely.

    I think I like excess rosemary in that egg separator better than eggs in that egg separator. Much more delightful a picture, real or mental :)

  4. Sure do look forward to hearing about your trip. I KNOW you are going to be hinting about a blog, right? Have a safe journey. Enjoy.

    1. "thinking about a blog". I can't keep up with spellcheck!

  5. I felt certain that the healthcare "replacement" wouldn't go through when the Republicans started to associate it with Paul Ryan. Trump is thrilled to throw him under the bus.


  6. Excess rosmary? Wash your mouth out.
    I smiled when I heard the vote on Trumpcare had been delayed. I wonder whether his insistence on the date was style over substance. And both are failing.
    Enjoy your trip away.

  7. You are going to the center of the action. Enjoy the trip and like the British say, "Keep calm and carry on."

  8. My employees should at least have someone answering phones and delivering messages. They are paid much too well to be able to go off the grid when I need to contact them. Perhaps all the snow in Aspen will melt and it will be a soggy family vacation.

  9. We have protested, we have made phone calls, sent letters, faxes and e-mails. I, a strong believer in hope and the goodness of man, am losing faith. It is more than an up-hill struggle, it is Mt. Everest.

    I hope you and your grandchildren have a wonderful time in DC. Saturday will be cloudy but warm.

  10. I applaud you keeping up with the postcards and share your worry over the Trumpster family shenanigans.
    i saw the London troubles on the news here and hope this isn't going to be a regular happening in other cities. I was reminded of a similar happening here not too long ago, when a terrorist driver deliberately drove his car into a pedestrian mall and mowed down several people.

  11. We live in exciting times. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I live in hope that he will resign before he is impeached. I've learned how to tweet, for crying out loud. Having a blast.

  12. Nunes is done or should be. He is the head of the committee that is investigating. I read somewhere that some think he was set up and he fell right into the trap. at any rate, we need an independent investigator now for sure. I also read that the SS asked for, and was denied, an extra $60 million because of this family's travel. Trump alone has already cost more than Obama in one year. meanwhile the politicians turn a blind eye while they raid the treasury. I made my phone calls yesterday. the nice young people who answer always say the same thing...I'll pass that along to the Senator/Representative.

  13. I remember Mitt Romney said he'd destroy Obamacare on day one. Jokes on them now.

  14. Joanne, you are heroic. Hope the sun shines on you all and the cherry blossoms are blooming!

  15. May you have a completely satisfying adventure with your granddaughters!

  16. Reading about your actions on this along with the many news stories, I did make a call to our US rep. Talked to a staffer about how I wanted the congressman to vote No on Trumpcare. I did receive an email back that basically laid out points against the ACA. Well written but one sided.
    You mentioned the propaganda value of picking Mar. 23. I first realized this after seeing it in a newspaper article. So they spend years voting 60 or more times to repeal it knowing it would be vetoed. All that time not bothering to hash out a replacement. Then someone apparently thought it would be a stoke of genius to push it through on Mar. 23 for more impact?? Come on be serious about a serious subject. Take time to work out how to actually improve the problem. Idiots.

    1. It's a clown car operation, that's for sure. Thanks for the call. Those staffers have the job of tallying them up. Representatives hear the mood, and can be swayed.

  17. One of the Trump kids tweeted some crass comment about the London terrorism attack, misquoting something the mayor said months ago and making a sarcastic comment. Just what you'd expect, eh?
