
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Third Estate and Forth Estate make progress; siege advancing, rogue potus staff aids

One undisclosed fact at a time, it’s “Goodbye, Mr. Flynn,” and on to what did potus know and when did potus know it. I must look for some polls to take, to add to today’s postcards.

Meanwhile, back in Ohio, I decided it would be thoughtful of me to write my state legislators. My state’s reputation for police violence is deserved, and right up with the worst of them. Our accountability has been driven more by the federal attorney general than any state legislation. I thought a postcard to my senator and general assembly person supporting accountability legislation would be good.

I know I am district 38 for the general assembly, and quickly found Marilyn Slaby (R). Flipping to the senate side, I found there is no district 38 for the senate; it ends in the mid twenties. Fortunately for him, I knew I must find Frank LaRose (R)(I went to school with his cousin). It’s flipping stupid to have this amount of gerrymandering. But, gerrymandering didn’t kill Tamir Rice for having a squirt gun.

Yes, except for my little blue corner, Ohio is R. Remember “Bush by a Buckeye.”

And back at home, we’ve had serious snow followed by serious rain. Of the latter, it could have been snow, but we were lucky-ish. County crews are still trenching Truxell Road, to forestall it being washed out in the next once in a century storm, and State crews are perched precariously above a raging Cuyahoga River, attempting to repair a collapsed ten inch pipe draining into the river. It collapsed in last week’s storm. That breach flooded the lower half of Peninsula up to the door steps.

In micro observations, the colchicum continue to brave the snow falls, and of the hundred fifty or more bulbs the royal we planted last fall, the anemones are up!


  1. You are a political warrior, Joanne. I admire your determination!

  2. And as KAC says " that's one characterization" WTH!?
    Good for us little blue dots in the sea of this state's red. The gerrymander is insane.
    Looking forward to seeing your bulbs in bloom! xo

  3. things seem to be heating up. finally a republican senator is calling for an investigation, not just the dems. we need to get rid of Bannon though. but maybe this Russia thing will bring them all down.

  4. I smell rats jumping the mothership Russia.

  5. All hard work bears fruit, or flowers in this case. I envy you the spring bulbs. I'm proud of you for the postcards.

  6. I rather miss the days when I had the names, the facts, the constituencies at my fingers' end...

  7. Greetings from the land of the insane stand your ground law and George Zimmerman.


  8. Ohio? Isn't that one of the rust-belt states that the voters felt the country wasn't doing enough for them? Also, I believe it was Ohio where much of the Hillbilly Elegy story takes place.

    1. And the place where potus whistle stopped in the states poorest mining county to tout his executive order allowing the mine owners to dump in streams again.

  9. A person needs sharp wits, persistence and a finely tuned "alternative facts" detector these days to keep from getting plowed under by the breadth, depth and volume of new information being generated ...

    I hope your rain doesn't create too much more havoc.

  10. Funny how he was one of the ones who said "Lock her up"

    and then he betrays his own country for Russia.

    Just the first domino to fall in Trump's liquor cabinet.

  11. My class once wrote a letter (per suggested activities) to ask what President Clinton ate for breakfast. The book, What Washington Have for Breakfast, said this would be great.

    We rec'd a form letter back, appreciating our concern for the environment. And a signed letter of Clinton.

    My students now knew what was wrong with government.

    You go get 'em!

  12. Police violence? Yikes!They're supposed to be peacekeepers...(it goes on here in my country too, a news program showed us an incident a while ago) :(
    Nice to see the greenery of bulbs popping up :)

    1. France. Paris. Theo. Police. Truncheon. Riots.

  13. I am watching the unfolding events in Washington with great interest. I do not believe we have heard the last of misdeeds. We must also let them know we are still observing.

  14. I remember living in Montana, a warm February would give false hope to some plants and they would start to grow, only to bravely face the brutality of a March resurgence of cold temps and snow.


  15. Hari OM
    Well done to the colchicum... I just don't want to touch the other stuff! YAM xx

  16. I was laughing a lot yesterday when someone told me the new nickname for this president is SCROTUS, so-called ruler of the United States. I admire your taking arms against a sea of troubles.

  17. Seems to be imploding at the White House. SCROTUS (that has made my day) is exploding tweets again ... on and on ... Keep up the good work, Joanne!

  18. Aha! A better name for me to use than "Orange"! I am appalled by the news that SCROTUS is angry about the fact the news leaked to the media. Never mind the subject of the leaks. The man lied about conversations with the Russians. The problem is not what he did, it is that somebody made it public!
    I hope the walls remain glass! The more secrets that are revealed, the better.

  19. Now we're learning it goes back even further....shades of 73'. Let's call it Russiagate....lord I wish the Dems had a majority in the Senate.

  20. This whole political mess is getting to me. He is unhinged and shows it daily yet half the country loves the man!! Scary!

  21. What a situation, that is what I say. Keep fighting.
