
Monday, February 6, 2017

Goodnight, good soul

A dear blogger is gone. Goodnight and goodbye, Jacqueline Mitchell. I met her first on Randomosity, a blog she wrote about her beloved Indiana, her family (the ‘kidling’!), her dogs, her garden, her kitchen. In spite of a debilitating nerve disease, she kept us going with pictures, recipes, stories. She encouraged new bloggers like me, and I am so grateful.

A year ago she moved to Florida, with her mother. A new beginning, a new blog,  Cranky Bar. Jacqueline surprised herself turning her hand to full time work, started a little garden, worried her brother through a successful surgery. The old blog is gone, but you can still find The Cranky, and have a sense of the kind and brave soul we knew.

Four months ago, Cranky Bar went missing. Friends of Jacqueline let us know she suffered a serious stroke. Ever the fighter, Jacqueline rallied, made unbelievable progress and just as suddenly, went into a serious decline. Jacqueline passed away this afternoon.

Send thoughts of peace to her family, and especially to the kidling we came to know and love. If you leave you memories of Jacqueline in the comments, I will get them on to the kidling. Thank you.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss, family. Her love for you will be kept alive as long as you live.
    Jacqueline, see you before too long. We can compare notes.

  2. How sad d for you and her family. I always worry when a blog I've been following suddenly stops.

  3. Hari OM
    I missed this connection... but no less feel the loss; if you loved her, then I surely would have. Blessings to all touched and now separated. YAM xx

  4. I did not follow any of her blogs, but I am sorry for her passing. I'm sure she will be missed and remembered by so many others.


  5. I did not know her but feel your sadness. It's always painful to lose a blogger friend.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear this. She was a talented writer and a courageous lady. Please give my condolences to her family, Joanne.

  7. Thank you for your tribute, I'll carry the ache of her loss for a long, long time.

  8. So sorry, Joanne. I wish I had known her. I looked for the blog; maybe she took the first one down? Losing friends is never easy. Condolences to her family.

  9. Poor ol'Cranky. Cranky started following my blog not so very long ago. Quick on the uptake and could always see the joke. I miss her visits very much. x

  10. I heard about Jacqui when I arrived home this afternoon. I'd heard she had a sudden downturn after rather remarkable progress, so had an idea she wouldn't hang on much longer, but still, this is sad news and I'm very sorry for her family.
    I always looked forward to her posts, more often than not Jacqui managed to put a smile on my face with her words and pictures.
    Farewell too soon to a lovely soul.

  11. Jac, as I called her, was a rare person in the blog world. She was clever, witty and I was always impressed by how she adapted to her difficult circumstances. Your tribute to the lovely Jac is fitting. Thank you.

  12. Deepest sympathy to her family and all of her blogging friends, like you, Joanne.

  13. I miss her visits at my small blog, i loved her old blog.So sad.

  14. I would often read her comments and am sorry to hear that she has passed away.

  15. I am so sorry to hear this. Too many such losses lately. But it is good that you found out what was happening. There have been a few internet people I "knew" who simply disappeared. It is hard to lose such a person. My sympathy to everyone who is missing her now.

  16. I didn't know her but it's always sad when a light goes out.

  17. Sad. I often wonder about those who go missing. I just emailed Elaine from Rosebank Ramblings to see if she's okay. Haven't heard from her for a time. I do remember her Cranky blog.

    1. Elaine is fine. Just taking a little time out of blogging.

  18. I got the email last night too......very sad
    Thank you for writing this x

  19. I took a look at The Cranky and I would have liked to follow her blog.

  20. I don't think I knew her. That is the scary thing when blogs go MIA. You can't tell if they gave up, got lazy, or died.

  21. I just read her last blog post and noticed that she said working a 52-hour week nearly killed her. That is too many hours for anyone to work. I hadn't read her blog before, so I must go back through it soon.

  22. Thanks for letting us know, Joanne. I had followed Jacqui for some time and may have even found your blog through hers. I knew she had been seriously ill, but did not realize that she had made any recovery at all. Peace to Jacqui and her loved ones.

  23. I didn't know her, but it's a loss for her Kidling so I send my condolences.


  24. Although I never knew of your blogging friend or her blog until now, I feel sadness for her departure, and much too early it sounds like from your post. I would have liked to get to know her and read her blogs. The post I read from last September was very intriguing.

  25. I never knew her but my prayers are with her family. I wished that I had gotten to know her. So Sad.

  26. That is really bad news. I liked Cranky. She will be missed by more people than she may have imagined.

  27. I never read this blog! Sad that she has passed. Sending prayers for her family!

  28. Sad - didn't read her blog but I know the blogger community is as close as any other community. I still remember the passing of a blogger who went by Professor B. Worm back in 2012. His blog is still there.

  29. I am sad to hear this, I've been wondering about her. She was one of the kind souls who first read and actually commented on my relatively new blog a few years back. I appreciated her kindness and encouragement SO much. I loved her spirit and her sense of humor. And, of course, I loved her blog. My condolences to her family.

  30. I wished I had followed her blog, I would like to have known her. I will read back through it and find out about the wonderful person I never got to meet. So sad for her family and friends. Sending much love and hugs to all.

  31. I followed this dear lady for several years and we exchanged cards in the mail. I remember a sweet story from her older blog, where she saw a young girl eating out of her garbage can. Jacqueline prepared the girl a mug of warm soup on a cold day. I will miss her. God bless her family.

  32. Oh, dear....I am so, so sorry. This saddens me greatly. My condolences to Jackie's loved ones. She will be missed...a good soul is always missed, but she will always be cherished...she will not be forgotten.

  33. I too am saddened. I so enjoyed her writings and humour. Condolences to her family.

  34. I did not know her but any friend of yours is a friend of mine and I'm sorry for your and her family's loss.
