
Monday, January 2, 2017

Marking time

School recommences Wednesday.
We've watched a lot of movies.
Laura's explanation of sci-fi and horror movies finally sank in.
"They're not real, Gramma!"
Among others, I've now watched The Mummy and 2012.
Tonight we're queuing up Harvey and The African Queen. 

Laura spend a day shadowing at Elements Gallery, the porcelain studio in town.
She came home with a spoon rest and an invitation to come back.

I got the wonderful little man there. He's an egg separator.
We had egg separating issues when we baked cookies.

I once made 500 single bed quilt tops for my sister to quilt for shelters.
Emily moved out, and we made a sewing room
I asked Jan if she needed more tops.
Yes, she was down to the last three old tops to quilt.

I now have a layout artist, and a supervisor.

We've made quite a few. I'm not keeping track this time.

Laura irons them, too, which I am unable to do.
Jan used to iron them.

 And, I played cards with the Methodists today.
I keep my back to the refreshment table.

Those thumbprint cookies were really tempting, though.

And Wednesday I must get serious about closing 2016 and tidying up for the auditors. I did continue my unbroken streak of distributing W-2's and 1099's before the end of 2016.
That's thirteen years in a row.
Which means, three years and three months to go.


  1. Looks like things are going well for you two and that's good to see, hope it continues through the next year.

  2. I love the little peek into your lives. Looks like things are settling into a routine there. We will be getting used to one less living at our house. It is quite the adjustment!

  3. The egg separator is hilarious! I can picture the egg white sliding out of his nose ... I can't decide whether to laugh or gag!!

    Five hundred quilt tops is utterly amazing. I suspect those quilts were gratefully received, and the new ones will be, too.

    Wonderful update. You and Laura have been busy, as always.

  4. You are busy bees. I wouldn't have had a problem turning my back on that moon pie, but the others would have tempted me.

  5. You are such a good soul!! Yes. You. Are!!! 500 quilt tops!!! Love the egg separator. OMGosh- How funny is that!!!

    I was telling someone the other day about Harvey. They had never heard of the movie before. I told them it was a GREAT old classic. xo Diana

  6. Love the egg separator, but am with jenny_o a bit.
    Yay for a routine developing which allows a spread of skills and responsibilities.
    Love your quilt tops too. And loathe ironing.

  7. How fortunate the shelters were to have supporters like you! Great work, Joanne!

  8. Joanne, cute or not, I don't think I could use the egg white that came out of his nose... ugh! (but ingenious)And 500 quilt tops! Wow! I'm slow and that would take me years! As for the horror movies, I KNOW they're not real, but it doesn't help... can't watch. Now Harvey and The African Queen I could go for.

  9. Loved having Laura in the studio! She's wonderful----and so is her work. She's absolutely welcome to come back!

  10. There is suppose to be a Mummy remake this year

    1. I made it through the original; no need to tackle a new one.

  11. My aunt used to make similar quilts with a group of ladies that would be sent to various locations. She sent one to me and one to my sister. I still have mine, and that was about 28 years ago! Ironing is maybe the worst part of sewing, next to crawling around on the floor and pinning pattern pieces. Good job Laura does that part! I don't think I'd join you in the horror movie watching. A comedy, or a mystery, or maybe a psychological thriller, but no thank you to the others. -Jenn

  12. "African Queen" is one of my top 10 favorites!

  13. I loved the Mummy movies. I like the African Queen too.

    You sure are on a roll with those quilts. You and Laura make a mighty fine team. Happy New Year to you both. xx

  14. All those quilts are quite an undertaking and I am sure they will be welcomed by anyone lucky enough to get one. Laura looks wonderful and happy and that is so nice to see.

  15. Look at how beautiful Laura is becoming. My goodness. All those quilts look like fun but also a lot of work.

  16. So cool with the quilting! You have a great helper with Laura! I bet she did enjoy her break with all you two were able to do together and I bet you did too!


  17. I bet Laura is looking forward to going back to school. Will she be doing band again this year? With all the traveling involved?
    Those quilts are beautiful.
    I think you'll enjoy The African Queen, it's one of my favourites with Katherine Hepburn and I think Humphrey Bogart.

    1. Laura is in marching band and concert band. We had her trumpet repaired over the holiday.

    2. Laura is in marching band and concert band. We had her trumpet repaired over the holiday.

  18. I binge watched sci fi on Netflix over Xmas. We watched the OA. Bit disappointed with the ending, if it is the ending. We're watching Glitch and Travellers.

  19. Love the quilts! I also think you and Laura have good lives together. What did she think of the African Queen?

    1. She's seen it. Now she wants called for the "torpedo part."

  20. so industrious! love the quilt tops and that you make them for shelters. Laura is getting a good solid foundation in compassion and helping others. what is 'shadowing' at the clay gallery? Hanging out or is it an actual task?

    1. I'm not sure what she did. I know she was shown how to prepare an invoice for a customer sale. She needs to go back on a day they cast porcelain mugs. And, she was given a cast piece to decorate. Deb put it through the glaze and firing.

  21. That's a real "life goes on" sort of post.

  22. 500 quilt tops in a lifetime would be impressive!

  23. The African Queen was part of what led my son to build a steam launch for the last several years!Though he was very interested in steam for a long time...Do you need any free fabric for quilt top making?

  24. Wow, you have been busy! I hear my sewing room call out to me. I am still organizing tools and sorting screws. I have found quite a few brand new packages of various items that can be returned for refunds and my wrench collection is at 43 now. I am torn between having a big yard sale or making junk sculptures ....

  25. Those are nice pieces. Looks like you have been productive.

  26. You are one productive lady! I guess having good helpers helps. And an egg separator.

  27. Lovely colors! For years I have bought fabric, matched them up to a pattern, and then put it all away. I like 5" squares, and now I am free. Quilts will be forthcoming.
