
Monday, January 16, 2017

I-Day minus three and counting

Last November I quoted Joe Hill, “Don’t mourn! Organize!” Two days after the election, I began looking for places to use my voice and my money. I thought about a motorized chair, for things like the protest the day after the inauguration. Financial realism meant sponsoring a young woman to go in my place. 

I planned this with another septuagenarian, and though we did not earmark the donation, we hope it sends an LGBT woman of color. Or an immigrant, like Joe Hill and most of the rest of us. As of last week, 200 buses have applied for permits for the inauguration, and 1,200 for the nasty women’s march. I’m pleased to have sent one of those voices.

In the beginning I decided my best way forward was calling and registering my protest to every bit of stupidity the incoming administration proposes. But as nice as unlimited minutes and texts are, I was unfocused, even confounded by all the protest choices. I heard Janis Joplin in my head. “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV. Dialing for Dollars is looking for me….”

I came across a site that was doing so much of the research: Actions for Democrats, Independents,& Republicans of Conscience. 

It has kept me organized and productive the last several weeks by providing the names and numbers I needed. Click on the bold name and you’ll be on the site. This week’s list might seem a little tame, but you can go back the last six weeks and find more background coverage.

For more analysis of the future, take a look. For a way to be heard, take a look. And by the way, nasty men can make just as much noise. If you’re joining the march on Saturday, I hope to hear you all the way to Ohio. To all my friends who are going,Thank You.


  1. I know what you mean about having a problem with focus given the wide nature of the the organisation must be of great help.
    Just as long as the Democratic Party doesn't take it over by stealth - the sort of thing I saw happen in the U.K. as the Labour Party turned on its traditional constituency.

  2. Great direction and action, Joanne!

  3. I will be there. I signed up as soon as I heard about it back in December. My bus leaves at 5:30 am and we don't expect to be home till 9pm. The march is looking to be the largest ever in DC. Hopefully, all will go well and my old body will be able to handle it. This is not a Trump protest, this is about rights and dignity. I pray that the reason and enthusiasm for the march will continue long after the blisters on our feet heal. There are over 300 marches planned throughout the world. We are (nasty) women, hear us roar.

    1. I am unable to go, but I am heartened to hear you will be there, Arlene (I never knew your name before). Please write about it when you get back.

    2. I will be thinking about you when I see that march, Arlene. Thank you for the inspiration.

    3. Thank you all for the good wishes. If you tune in, I'll be the one in the gray coat.

  4. From this side of the world a huge thank you. The sooner we realise that we are (or should be) a community and move away from the us and them mentality the better.

  5. Well done, Joanne. I feel so frustrated here in the UK. So many of us are stymied by what action we can take. God bless and well done to all of those who have committed themselves to this action. Somehow, We Shall Overcome!

  6. I'm so out of it these days with what is going on politically, etc., though I do realize a new president is being sworn in on Friday. Didn't even know such a march existed. Glad you found an outlet to be a financial partner for. I hope the marchers are safe and the weather is not too chilly for them!


  7. Like you my poor old knees would not allow me to participate but I'll be there in spirit. Voting is never enough. We have to pay attention and let our employees, because that is what elected officials are (even the president), know what we expect of them and that we are watching.

  8. I hope your voices get heard. There'll be 'interesting' times ahead for sure.

  9. As an observer pointed out here, only a very stupid person pisses off the CIA just before he becomes president. The next few months will be very interesting, and not all the leaks will emanate from Russia.

  10. We've got several people from my city going, and I debated it. I guess it's a good thing I didn't sign on, since my daughter is looking at surgery around that time. But, I applaud your actions and all of those who are going.

  11. Thank you Joanne. Walking the talk... I won't be watching much tv when he is on as he just sickens me. I marched in the Vietnam anti-war protests and hope that Americans won't go down with Trump's actions without a fight.

  12. I think one of my daughters is going....Thank you for this post!

  13. I think most folk here in the UK are appalled at the way things are going Joanne.

  14. I wish I were joining the Nasty Women! I have decided that I can't suffer with all the hatred anymore. I will be supporting the President. But I'll still be watching closely. And I will still be critical if need be. But we have to come together as a country. We cannot let him separate us any longer!!

  15. We've made donations to PP, the ACLU, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Been a long time since I went to a protest march. There is a big one scheduled for Houston I hear.

  16. WOnderful post, Joanne!
    I"ll be there - taking the bus from Oberlin!

    1. I'll be wearing one of my infamous pointy hat - in shades of red and pink!
      OR a super bright pink headband!! I hear it's going to be in the 50s :D

  17. I heard a US resident speaking on a radio phone-in programme last night, saying everyone in America is 'very excited' about Trump's up-coming term in office. He didn't specify!

  18. Scarily I hope to hell history is not repeating itself!. Mad crazy with population told to support him!. Reminiscent of hitler!.
    Please God or whatever do not let Europe and or world go to war with America!.

  19. You've made a contribution with this post,too, Joanne. Useful ideas and information here.
