
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Lunch with Jeanette

I lived at the top of my old road for twenty eight years. Jeanette lived at the bottom most of her life. She called on the new owner of my old house and told her what to expect, and to be prepared to tell her if the mail has been delivered in the winter. Jeanette has a long lane and cannot see her mail box from her house.

Then Jeanette headed off for my house. The lovely new lady of the old house called and forewarned me. 

I like Jeanette. She's self entertaining; she talks all the time and seldom expects an answer. She had two invitations to lunch sponsored by the middle school (where Laura was just last year), and the person she always takes is feeling poorly, so, of course, "I thought of you right away." And off we went.

Heading to be served our Thanksgiving dinner. The little face over Jeanette's shoulder is leading us to the head of the line. I apologized to the youngster in red shoes for cutting in, and he said, "No, please, you go first."

The string ensemble played, and probably well, but could not be heard over the lunch room din.

My place mat. I considered obliterating the name at the bottom, but on consideration I think the lovely little saying may be one of those ubiquitous Irish proverbs, and is cited as Ireland, County Derry. If some parents with the surname of Derry chose to name a child Ireland, Hooray! I am descended from County Derry.

Jeanette's plate.

My plate. Same as above, without turkey, shredded, and dessert. From six o'clock around, one ice cream scoop of Stove Top stuffing, extra salt. That large, horrid canned corn. One melon scoop of sweet potatoes, extra sugar, oatmeal topping. One spoonful of apple pie filling. One serving of jellied cranberry sauce. One ice cream scoop of instant mashed potatoes, extra salt. I'm still waiting for the salt and preservative induced skull splitting headache to subside. 

We were constantly attended by seventh graders who wondered if the food was good and what did we have for family Thanksgiving. When their shift ended, they disappeared and were replaced by new caretakers. It was all too sweet, and Jeanette had someone to listen to her for an hour.

Jeanette's bumper sticker. She said once she got out of her car and found a perfectly coiffed and well dressed woman reading it. When Jeanette came back to her car, she found a dollar bill under her windshield wiper. It said: "I am rich, but I will help you." Jeanette pulled it out of her purse and showed me.


  1. That note that Jeanette got is hysterical and a WHOLE DOLLAR? That 'rich' lady outdid herself. lol
    Sounds like a good outing and Jeanette sounds like a character! xo Diana

  2. Very sweet of the school and it sounds as if the students made up for the quality of the food!

  3. Good story, Joanne. My thought after reading it was, "these are the days of our lives"... little snippets that all add up to a life rich in the little things that matter.

  4. Hari OM
    "They" say it's the thought that counts. Seems to be appropriate for each part of this story... followed by a wry grin. 8~} ... YAM xx

  5. You friend Jeanette sounds like an "interesting" lady, but then we all need someone to listen to us occasionally. I guess I must be poor because I try to help others.

  6. Another lovely vignette. Thank you. And Jeannette. And Country Derry.

  7. Bravo to the young people for their efforts and the teachers who work with them. I hope the headache isn't too bad.

    1. It's 9 pm. I'm going to bed to finish sleeping it off.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My Favorite bumper stick I saw once

    I Like my Women like I like my president

    NO Bush

    Crude but I agree

  10. I know a number of Jeanette's. By and large they are very lonely/isolate people so they tend to go a little haywire when they do get an audience.

    1. Jeanette is a very strong personality, who supervised a lot of people in her younger years. I think growing old and losing old friends and acquaintances has isolated her. I've always enjoyed her company, but in smaller doses.

  11. One whole dollar! Wow!
    And food full of additives is what they are feeding kids?

    1. I think it's not all as bad as what I had today. My granddaughter selects a lot of chicken and salads. Today's meal could not have been put together (in today's world) for that many people without being pre-made, and today's menu is far from norm. Nevertheless...

  12. I really like that the children are taught to serve rather than receive. However, I am sure that they all thought they were doing a good thing for their community. That is a good lesson learned.

    Your friend sounds like a good sort with a big heart.

  13. I would have enjoyed that meal. There are so many things I can't eat (citrus, hot spices, caffeine) - salt has to make up for them all :)

    You're a good egg, Joanne.

  14. I remember going to my son's elementary school for lunch around Thanksgiving when parents were invited. The food and entertainment were do delicious. Jeanette sounds like a character indeed, but I bet someone fun to be around at times!


  15. Love your header. That cat looks huge! What a lovely lunch you had!! And the story of the dollar bill was the best I heard today!! Have a good weekend Joanne!

  16. The dinner looks, umm, interesting. Main course and dessert on the same plate.
    I hate canned corn, the fresh stuff is so much nicer, but I suppose there are economics involved there.
    Nice to have dinner out though, and a band playing too, almost like an upscale restaurant.
    I think I'd like Jeanette.

  17. It sounds like a truly lovely lunch. And I love eanette's bumper sticker. Ain't it the truth?!

  18. I think I would enjoy having lunch with Jeannette.

  19. As usual, I enjoyed your blogpost. Not quite sure when school cafeterias forgot how to cook real food😩 And we all know someone like your old neighbor. In fact most of the folks around here are like your previous neighbor😉 But the bumper sticker and the "gift" under the windshield wiper says it all. Happy Thanksgiving next week❣Linda@ Wetcreek Blog

  20. I hope you told the students, who clearly wanted to please, that the food was good. and the rich lady gave her a whole dollar? you can't even get a cup of coffee for a dollar.

  21. The Thanksgiving lunch really looks wonderful to me. I eat school lunches 2 times a week, and some are not nearly this good or have this much variety, but I feel they are healthy. Healthy does not always taste terrific, though.

    The way you describe your friend Jeanette sounds much like a description my friends would have of me!

    That bumpersticker is pretty darn perfect, too. Maybe I should get one.

  22. Ellen said exactly what I was thinking. That "rich" lady is really sharing her wealth!!!

  23. Does Jeanette read your blog? Sorry your school food was so bad. I used to love our Thanksgiving lunch at school. The only other time I ate cafeteria food was the salad bar!

  24. I love that-self entertaining. My father-in-law used to call them "human radios", which I also thought was funny. I have a self entertaining human radio in my house as we speak. And the volume is on high. Nice guy, but when he comes to visit my husband, i find another room at the other end of the house to occupy.
