
Saturday, November 26, 2016

July 20th was 19 weeks ago

It's over for another year. I have Saturday's back.The band uniform is at the dry cleaner for the last time.  Saturday's don't start for real until next week, though. It was Saturday when I went to bed last night. 

It was nearly noon when we stumbled out the door today to take on Saturday shopping. Miss Less Awake than I rummaged in the back end of the car for several minutes before she handed me the shopping bags. She won't carry "granny" shopping bags into the store.

Our market is one of those new build warehouse sized emporiums so beloved of millennials. It's simply a rebranded Giant Eagle. Too big for me; Laura heads off with the shopping list and I wait on the wrong side of the registers until she finally comes down the chute and is directed to a lane. "Please proceed to Lane 13!

This time Laura sorted out a red bag and a green, in honor of the season. Her best laid plans went awry; we still came home with a couple of plastic bags.

After lunch, we set out to find some more ornaments and the star to top the tree. I thought about this over the week and decided on a garden center. They specialize in seasonal decorations, and seemed a great idea. One block down the road I had a moment! Why was I heading across town when we have a fine nursery across the street.

We bought a wreath, all the rest of the ornaments, and a star for the top of the tree.

Toby is happy to keep watch over the tree now. No more hiding underneath.


  1. That is a beautiful wreath! I always love how fresh, real wreaths look, but for some reason I never buy one myself. I think I need to change that. Your cat is simply perfect. -Jenn

  2. Very festive! And you'll need your Saturdays; it's less than a month until Christmas as I'm quite sure you are aware ...

  3. That wreath is gorgeous-it's exactly what I wanted and didn't find. I ended iup with the fake red velvet ribbon look. I might need a do over. Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas, Happy Saturday Season.:-)

  4. I know others have said it, but it bears repeating - that wreath is gorgeous!

  5. You are definitely ready for the holidays! We have our son, spouse and 18 month old grandson coming in so we bought a smaller Christmas tree that we could use to put up unbreakable ornaments. This should be interesting.

  6. Looks like you're ready for the season.

  7. Love that wreath. And hooray for the return of your Saturdays.

  8. The wreath is gorgeous!! The tree turned out beautiful! She did a good job decorating. Our football team lost today. They ended 2nd in State. Not a bad accomplishment, I think. But no one wants to be second. Enjoy your Saturdays!

  9. The tree looks lovely now it's finished :)
    I like the wreath a lot too.
    I opened the cupboard where all my decorations are stored and got ot one tiny glass tree, then closed the cupboard again until December.

  10. How lovely it all looks Joanne. I don't usually put my decorations up until Christmas eve - but then, I haven't got an eager young teenager at my heels!

  11. You are early or am I late putting up my tree.

  12. Every time I open up your page Joanne, I get a shock from that huge cat suddenly staring at me. Every time.

    1. Blogger made it that big. I don't know how to deflate him.

    2. He looks fine, just a bit startling when you are not expecting it. In an instant I feel like a small bird, but it soon passes.

  13. I like the tree, but just love the wreath! The smell of pine boughs are a smell of Christmas!

  14. Hari OM
    Oh yes, a very pretty wreath indeed... and ignore Tom. Toby deserves to be top of page - cuz he's not top of tree. Fur now.... &*> YAM xx

  15. Kitty at header is perfect as you can really get a good look at that handsome mug. Star atop is perfect and though I have two weenies in my lap with laptop, I forgot my glasses and don't want to uproot everything to go and get them. It all looks good and yay about band season over.

  16. I often use the reusable bags unless I need some for small trash cans or snack bags for work.

  17. that is a beautiful wreath. I don't decorate for any holidays. I enjoy seeing other people's decorations but don't do it myself.

  18. That's a great star. I always sighed with joy when the band uniform went to the dry cleaner. They even had a collection of buttons from the uniforms of all the schools so they'd replace missing buttons. I loved those people.


  19. I love the wreath! So festive as are the trees and stocking! That is great that Laura does the shopping like that; a good learning experience! We learned this past weekend when we were in California, due to a state law that they passed since they moved, that if you don't bring your own reusable bags, the store will charge you 15 cents for one of their reusable bags. I thought it was a neat looking bag until I realized I was charged 15 cents for it. I guess people visiting from foreign countries are outraged by it all. I just looked at it as a learning adventure.

    So band has wrapped up for another year! Won't be long before it starts again!


  20. Like you, I hate large grocery stores. Lucky you to have a helper.

    The wreath and tree are lovely.

  21. You are putting me in the mood for Christmas. Great wreath.

  22. I love the smell of a fresh wreath! Makes you want to put it inside, doesn't it?

  23. So glad the cat hasn't knocked down the tree...
