
Friday, October 7, 2016

Just shoot me

There are seven employees in my township, four elected, three staff. So, there are seven of us. You know me as the person of no authority. Among the rest of the mix, hired or elected, one is normal, like me, one is aggressive, two are passive aggressive, one does not get involved, and the last is pleasant and affable, also like me.

We all use our personal cell phones in a minor way for township business, except one of us, who does not answer or return calls. Because communication is an important part of that job, one elected official purchased a phone, put some minutes on it, and told the employee to use it. A week or so ago I saw the phone on a desk, mentioned it, and was informed it was out of minutes.

Knowing that would never be disclosed, except by me, I relayed the information to the person who bought the phone, assuming that person knew how to add minutes.

Ass…you know the rest. Oh, baby, a firestorm, directed at the other passive aggressive by the aggressive one. I ran into p-a at movie night at the library last night. I had to sympathize, actually, but after ten minutes of listening to the complaining, I said I’d figure it out today.

Today I spent an hour on the phone. About thirty were devoted to helping me find the serial and phone numbers of the phone (yes, this p-a had left the building). Ten were spent listening to the seller of said minutes reading me the minutes and expiration dates of every phone plan, instead of cutting to the chase and telling me the maximum number of minutes and months he could sell me. When he got to one year I yelled “Stop, I’ll take it!”

Another ten were devoted to confirming every bit of credit card data (J for jug, O for overhead, A for apple, N for never, N for never, E for every; N for never and so on and so on). I smiled and remembered that as little as I earn, he earns less, and probably works twelve hours a day for it. We had the best luck when I said “Listen, it’s J-O-A-N-N-E. Is that what you have? You’re one N short. Let’s do it again.” Peninsula was a real struggle. Apparently his software did not return a city in exchange for a zip code.

So, I returned the one year out phone to the desk of p-a, with a note, as p-a remained out of the building. I used my cell to call the cell of the other p-a, thus leaving no email trail, and impart the knowledge the phone was good for a year. I gathered my stuff and literally was shutting the exterior door behind me when a friendly voice said, “Hey, you. Have a great weekend.” It was the road super, who is pleasant and affable, like me.

And that’s why I take my camera to work and take my time going home.


  1. Sigh.
    I am so glad that you are surrounded by beauty as an antidote.

  2. I thought, damn, Joanne really has a green thumb. Couldn't believe all your plantings had grown so much. I'm with you. The phone stuff would drive me crazy. It happens every time I call ATT or Dish, etc.

  3. Hari OM
    Struth... thank heavens for cameras and pretty places to shoot... YAM xx

  4. There's a special place in heaven for people with patience like yours.

  5. Save me from passive aggressive idiots.

  6. Save me from passive aggressive idiots.

  7. I always enjoyed the time to decompress on the drive home. As I age, I have more patience when I interact with the public. I guess I have time now, compared to when I was younger. Well done, patient woman that you are!

  8. O.M.G. I have no patience for those people. Bless you! Loved the pictures!

  9. Attitude is everything, when you must work closely with people to produce results. I use my camera to de-stress, too, by the way. Those flower gardens are so beautiful. It's a lovely time of year to get out and about.

  10. Some cute houses on your way to work! Seems like a hassle with getting the minutes put on the phone, but glad you took the time to do it for someone else. Hope they will show a little gratitude.


  11. Yes, the poor chap at the call centre certainly doesn't have it easy...

  12. Okay. At sunrise tomorrow morning you will be placed in front of a rock wall. You have the option of blindfold or not. You will be offered a cigarette. Don't take it... those things can kill you. The firing squad will await orders and finally fire. Your trials will be at an end.
    Seriously some of those "important" people can be such pains. You did a good thing.

  13. some people just never grow up and learn to act like adults.

  14. Now I'm confused. when is p-a passive aggressive and when is it pleasant and affable?

    Much ado about a few minutes.

    1. Actually, much ado about twelve years and four to go.

  15. P is for patience.... right? But afterS a while, I'm totally in.... A is for asshole. So, after a while I've had it. Passive aggressive.... reminds me of Loretta... a lady I used to work with who would start nearly every sentence with "I probably shouldn't say this... but....". Guess I'm too aggressive (I prefer "assertive")... just say it, do it, or shut the .... up. Your patience is impressive...

  16. Patience is a gift and few people have it. they opened empty boxes and found loads of stuff. None of it good, but they deserved it.
    How many p-a people have passed our way, and we didn't trip them?
    Bad migraine day.

  17. The politics of the work place - I don't miss that at all.

  18. I gotta admit I got confused on the work/phone thing. But I love the photos. :)

  19. I don't miss the mixed bag of work colleagues I had either, with two exceptions that I don't keep in touch with much anymore. I send emails and get nothing back :(
    I love the photos, I really like seeing paths with floral borders.

  20. I have unlimited data on my phone. There's a reason for that. It's too much trouble to call AT&T, and I won't go in their store since Brad and Jordan quit. Everyone who works there now is snooty and they know nothing. I don't have a problem with DirecTV. I can go on their Web site to make changes to my account. My home security company has their act together. As for the employee who won't take responsibility for having a cell phone and using it, @#$!. You shouldn't have to do that for someone else, but you are the sort who takes on responsibilities when no one else will. That's why you've raised the girls and they're so lovely.


    1. My Verizon store used to be top of the line. Then the franchise changed hands--a couple of time--and I guess I'll be checking the outlier stores, that may still want the business.

  21. I don't think this P-A guy even wants the phone. You must be the referee for the department.

    1. I don't understand what motivates politicians. No, P-A does not want the phone. But the bosses won't terminate employment. Why? P-A will never vote for any of them, in any event.

  22. Examples like this explain why those two girls are turning out so well. A real role model. I would never have kept the lid on that long. My worst nightmare is having to deal with AT&T. Apparently they have hundreds of little six foot cubbies packed in a gym across the sea. When I try to talk with someone, I hear several conversations going on --- some of the others more understandable than the one I am participating in. Yes. I know those people in India work for very little.

  23. Well! Still at least you have pleasant weather and nice places to see on your way home!
