
Thursday, September 8, 2016

The lonely life of an only cat

Waiting for Emily

Keeping Laura from the edge

Keeping the outdoor cats away

General surveillance

Occasional mischief

"Don't be thinking I did it!"

Last night Laura shut him out of her room.
It's been very hot, and cats just make it hotter.
Toby meowed piteously.

I invited him to share a corner of my bed.
He stalked out, still protesting.

Toby carried on for an hour.
Laura slept through it all.


  1. young adults can sleep through anything; my Barney is an only cat and he likes it, but he is more of an outdoor cat than inside. he only scratches my leg for his wet food. Ha. in all my cat years I have always had two so they can keep each other company when I was away at work.

  2. We had 3 cats... none of them liked the others. All 3 slept with me and Bill... often their butts would be touching but none would even acknowledge the other ones presence. I guess all 3 believed they were "top cat"... and maybe they were. Our lifestyle isn't such that we can have a cat.... I miss that. I'm lonely without one.

  3. Poor Toby. Come on Laura, let him in!

  4. Ours is an only cat too. When we got her from the pound we meant to get two cats so they could keep each other company, but we ended up with just her. I think she likes being an only.

    1. Toby wants a cat to lick his ears. He used to have one and it was never replaced.

  5. Poor Toby!

    I hope it cools off soon there.

  6. Last night we had a cat in the bed, too. Thank goodness he's smart enough not to sleep on my side. I'd throw him off just like Laura did.

  7. Our cats don't like each other. They do keep tabs on where the other one is though.
    How I would love to be able to sleep through their complaints. My partner can. To the extent in this house wilfully ignoring things is known as lying catto.

  8. Hari OM
    Aww Toby, ejected from the bed of choice! Mind you, when my Jasper cat wanted to snuggle in mid-summer (Sydney version), I was inclined to send him away as well... to the foot of the bed beside his fursissy, Jade Dog! Soon enough, Laura will be calling for you, cuz the cold stuffs on its way!!! YAM xx

  9. Ha. I love the 4rth one especially. It's like he's saying, "I'm soooooo boooooorrrred!":-)

  10. I inderstand; a furry cat is too warm to lay near in this hot September weather. However, in a few months, he will be welcome indeed.

  11. We lost our two old cats in the spring, so Miss Kitty was a loner for awhile. When a friend had a desperate need to rehome her cat due to a health crisis, I thought she would be a great companion/playmate for Miss Kitty. No Go. The new girl HATES Miss Kitty and is quite vocal about it. She really loves me though and spends her nights plastered against me, in the heat......gasp.

  12. It's actually getting a bit cooler here. Then again, anything under 90 is a bit cooler. Poor Toby needs a pet!

  13. I would have waited until she was asleep and then opened Laura's door just a tiny bit :)


  14. Poor Toby. Shall I send you Angel to keep him company? Because Angel is driving me nuts right now. He meows to come in the front door, just so he can run through to the back door and meow to be let out. And the same thing in reverse now and again. one day, I swear, I will lock both doors and just leave him out there.
    I love the quilted bedcovers :)

  15. Jess shut Billy out of her room yesterday as while she & I were away he'd obviously been rolling on the freshly chicken manure spread field then sleeping on her pillow. He left me a present too - a HUGE dead rat - luckily outside !

  16. A cat surrounded by women - what a life.

  17. I have two cats mother and daughter I think both of them would prefer to be the only cat.

  18. Toby is a handsome fellow with his little mustache. I can't stand a cat sharing the bed at night. I am always aware of them, they keep me awake, so ours thankfully are both happy to be outside at night, patrolling the perimeter and ridding the world of mice. -Jenn

  19. I have an only cat or did. now she has a dog sister that she thinks gets too much of my attention. and those are some gorgeous quilts.

  20. What a cute cat. I had 2 cats, kept outdoors. When they died, we decided not to adopt another one, as they are too much trouble.

  21. Poor Toby. He has so much responsibility. And to be treated so unkindly. After all it was circumstantial evidence.

  22. Your cat is so cute. I really want a cat but right now isn't a good time. Too much going on. Later a new to me cat will make a very nice companion.

  23. A beautiful cat! Maybe I should get a cat! They are such good company. If they like you!!

  24. When we had one cat, I couldn't imagine having two. When we had two, I wondered if three would be too many. We ended up with four, and yes, four was too many for me (all indoor cats, some couldn't get along with others, etc.). Back to three now. These are our last cats. I think. Toby is a handsome fellow. Someone should invent a licking machine for those among our cats who impose on others to get their ears washed :)
