
Monday, August 22, 2016

The pink mandevilla has a visitor

I came home from work at noon.

It was raining. I watched him for a minute or so.

Then I thought about my phone.

Through the windshield, through the rain drops,
a hummer!

I left all the bird feeders at the old house, for the new owners,
but seem to have brought a hummingbird feeder with me.


  1. Great photos! Who needs a feeder? Not you!

  2. very sweet. They are going crazy defending their favorite feeders and flowers at my place these days. I guess the push is on to bulk up for the long trip.

  3. Hummingbirds love tubular flowers. If you plant them, they will come.

  4. Hari OM
    They followed, knowing where the nectar truly is!!! YAM xx

  5. Beautiful bird... but also a beautiful flower! I'm going to remember the Mandevilla... for next year's hanging basket... it's gorgeous!

    1. I am so pleased with Mandevilla's. They are next to maintenance free, come in three colors, red, pink and white. They are sort of pricey if you get them in full growth, but I bought all three for ten or twelve dollars apiece around Easter. They were in small pots and being trained around a "trellis." Plant abuse, in my opinion. We carefully untwisted the vines and let them just be free. We broke a main vine from the red, and also hung it in partial shade. It never did thrive, but next year I'll have the most handsome red mandevilla on my street!

  6. My mandevillas still have flowers,it did not happan last summer.

  7. What a great picture of your visitor. Do you miss the bird watching not having the feeders? I too didn't bring feeders with me when we moved. At times I do wonder how the quail are doing where we used to live.


    1. You know, Betty, without the oak tree all the feeders hung from it wouldn't be the same. They took a seed, went into the tree to crack the shell. They waited in the tree, jostling for position. They settled in the tree at night, chirping good night to each other. That's why I need to leave it for someone else.

  8. We didn't see many hummers here this summer. Good picture you got!!

  9. How nice!
    I have a lot of bird stuff in my house because I love their presence.

  10. I love hummers and isn't it amazing, before too long they will begin their journey all the way across the Gulf of Mexico to winter where it's warm.

  11. It is times like this that a cell phone is truly worthwhile.

  12. I almost didn't see him at first. do you think you will get a few bird feeders in your new yard? I hope the new owners keep up the feeders at your old place.

  13. That's a great photo. It takes me back to the time we had a hummingbird feeder.


  14. real food is best anyway. I've been seeing the occasional hummer here lately.

  15. You did very well with your camera phone! Hummingbirds seem extra-special, somehow, regardless of what other birds come around. My husband saw one come to our butterfly bush a couple of days back. He said it enjoyed every blossom on the plant.

  16. I also came home from work a little noon. But it didn't rain til after dinner.
    Coffee is on

  17. What pretty flowers and bird. Nice photos.

  18. I'm not sure why I have never had a Mandevilla. Great flowering plant.
