
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Since Wednesday night

Through next Wednesday

I live way up there, by the yellow.

The Cuyahoga River, Thursday morning

Quite a storm we had last Wednesday, while I was at a township meeting.

Safety forces and officials left, to get the roads closed.

Four and a half inches of rain in Peninsula that night.

Significant rain every night since. Heat of the day thunderstorms.

Because it's damn hot.

We had two and a quarter inches in last night's little storm.

We haven't watered the baskets for the last three days.

Here's the white mandevilla, opening on my way to work.

And more open when I came home.

And on the way to the grocery store this morning,
before the rain begins.


  1. And some people need rain. It's not fair I tell ya!

  2. I wish we had some rain here,every thing is so dusty.

  3. I hope everyone stays safe through the rainy days. xx

  4. There isn't much moderation in the weather now. I hope you don't have too much flooding.

  5. Hari OM
    It's one or the other, it seems. How's the red manda? Stay safe when driving about... YAM xx

    1. The red had its last bud blown off, and now its a forlorn little thing. We bought all three as "trellis trained", which means the vines were wrapped around a hoop affair. We got the pink and white branches straightened out, but didn't do a good enough job on the red, and it has struggled all summer.

  6. Heat of the day storms pop up everywhere but over my city house.

  7. Rain? Some world-wide moderation would be nice.
    Stay safe.

  8. we're getting some rain now which we really need. The last time it rained about 2 weeks ago, we got 6" in about 24 hours. the mandevilla seemed to like it.

  9. Feast or famine, drought or flood. Stay safe!


  10. I love mandevilla. As for the rain, just spoke to family in Baton Rouge, La. Apparently they got about 20 inches and the place is a mess. So far their houses don't have water inside yet, but you can't get in or out as all the roads are flooded and closed. Do you live close to the Cuyahoga river, Joanne?

    1. It's a mile down, as the crow flies, in the valley. Flooding is not a problem up top, here. This round of storms dropped a lot of water on ground too hard to absorb it, and there were problems with washouts on the roads.

  11. Wow that a lot of rain.

  12. A hard rain doesn't do much good and can do a lot of harm. Your flower is magnificent. Be safe.

  13. The rain should let up soon. We have had quite a bit here too.

  14. We're dying to get some rain here in southern California!

  15. The mandevillas look lovely and bright, the river, on the other hand, looks a little stormy.

  16. Wow, that is a lot of rain. Too much of a good thing.

  17. By golly - all that heat and rain is certainly making that exquisite flower bloom - it is beautiful. Hope all that water doesn't get dangerous for you.

  18. Beautiful flowers but I hope it stops raining out your way soon and cools down, too!

  19. I hope you're okay. That's a lot of rain, and I understand heat. We've had some huge storms lately, but we've not gotten much rain at my house. I see the clouds move in, it thunders, and then the rain falls a few miles away.


  20. It's hot here too & a good thunder storm & some rain would be good. Beautiful flowers x

  21. Who can dispute climate change? Can't remember a summer like this for water from the sky.

  22. We sure could use a deluge here. We had a half hour storm last night and the flowers got watered. Today, with the heat still very high, they were wilted by 2 PM. Thankfully, The Retired Man, watered them at 6.

  23. We've just got endless grey skies and every lettuce on sale is full of mud and grit .

  24. Oh too much rain. But what a beautiful plant.In England we're putting our heads out of doors the last couple of weeks after almost unrelenting grey skies and drizzle over most of the summer. Good to feel it is summer at last, even though it's nearly September!
