
Monday, August 29, 2016


So help me, the day after I cash out my house, I am going on vacation. At the risk of jinxing all, we have two interested folks at the moment. Unaware of each other, but each slower than slow. Their realtors have indicated to my realtor there is a lot of interest, but both parties proceed slowly. 

I know there are people like that, but I try not to be involved with them. To quote Charlie Brown, "Aaaarrrrrggggghhhh."

There have been close to fifty people through the house, and on the whole what they are looking at seems not to compute. I cannot believe so many are so far from 'the country.'

"We wondered if there would be yards," said one tourist. "We are looking for a neighborhood," said another. 

In the meantime, Laura hung three shelves to hold the tchotchkies I brought with me. Emily hung the pictures, and sent Laura packing with the little level Laura was anxious to try. When Laura and I started in with the shelves, I bemoaned the lack of a level and Laura came back with the cutest little level. And, it worked.

After the two of us hung the long shelf, level, I had the chutzpah to suggest how to proceed with the two smaller shelves.She completely ignored me, and her level as she flipped the other two shelves, made marks, held out her hand for a drill bit or the screwdriver (she's become proficient with the electric drill, chucks, that kind of stuff), and fitted the shelves to the wall.

Here's a quiz. The shelves are grouped by decades, except one. Give up?

The lace skirted ballerina on the bottom shelf was made in occupied Japan; the four soapstone babies were presented to my father on my birth in 1943. The red vase and the white ballerina stood on opposite sides of the banjo clock in my grandmother's living room, from my earliest memory, and from the twenties, according to my mother.

Up top, the cast iron elephant with one missing ivory tusk was given to my great grandmother, certainly before the turn of the previous couple of centuries, and Paddington came for my mother, but not in time, at the end of the last century. It seems there is a theme there, too.

I do need a vacation.


  1. I hope you enjoy your vacations. Try to forget about the house while you are away (if that is possible!).
    I will put the seeds in the mail this week.

  2. I am positive that after putting a house on the market, selling a house, sending a girl off to college, I would need a vacation too. I hope you can get one!

  3. You've certainly had your share of stressful life events the last few months. Here's hoping for a quick sale and wonderful vacation. Soon!

  4. Love the Paddington. How nice to have him looking over you.
    Good luck, lots and lots of luck.
    And happy vacation.

  5. Selling a house is up there with all the other stressful events. Hope the vacation is possible very soon for you!

  6. I don't think I'd be organised enough to group ornaments by decades, or anything else...

  7. I don't think I'd be organised enough to group ornaments by decades, or anything else...

    1. Those simply are all I brought, and then they just seemed to land on the proper shelf of their own accord.

  8. Did you do the St. Joseph's? Can't remember. My sister has only had one showing since June 1st. It is a buyer's market it seems. Just keep on and it will sell.

    1. First St. J was buried facing the direction I wanted to go. My sister said that was wrong, he needed buried facing the road, and she reinterred him. But, my friend said he had to be on a line between the front door and the road. I don't know if Jan dug him up again or not. He's currently in the raspberry patch, so perhaps that's why he doesn't want to leave.
      I cannot believe how many people have been through.

  9. I hope it sells soon. If anyone deserves a vacation it is you. Pamper yourself, you've more than earned it!

  10. Hari OM do know that a standard water bottle, not quite full, makes a good level, I know you do. Label removed of course. Though not as 'darling', of course! Neat job, anwyway... tchotchkies - now there's a new one for me! Got a few, just didn't know I had.

    Folks will want to get moved before the winter sets; then you can plan a trip to exotic places... hint hint... YAM xx

  11. I enjoyed hearing about all the tchothkies. I often think I should write up summaries for mine and leave them in a box for when I'm gone. These things often tell a good story.

  12. This reminds me of the elderly lady I boarded with one summer while working away from home. In my room she had two small shelves with the most interesting knickknacks. I was so enamoured of the trinkets and the set up that I took a photo of it and have it still. And that was back in the days of real film and paying to get it developed.

    You have quite a lot of history there. Some of it quite old history. Nice.

  13. P. S. I do hope your house sells soon. It is hard to wait and wonder.

  14. I like Laura's work with the shelves. Cute things on display too. It is hard waiting for a house to sell, it always seems to hsppen when you least expect it to. I agree you are deserving of a vacation, hope you get one.


  15. My daughter went through "selling a home hell" a few months ago. After six months, I was thinking of getting her a St. Jude statue as St. Joseph was not doing a good job. She did sell it and just in time as settlement on her new home was days away. I hope one of these two interested parties comes through for you and settlement is quick and a wonderful vacation follows.

  16. I'm sure you will be selling soon. Perhaps you can take a nice warm vacation when the weather gets cold.

  17. I think a vacation is the perfect ending to the time in your old home.
    I hope one of the two prospective buyers gets her mind made up very soon.

  18. Looks like she is making it a homey place. Nice

  19. Hutspa and chochkies are both Yidish words, hutspa is Hebrew also, I always like to find those words in Englis:)

  20. Good luck with the house sale. We're attempting to help my mother-in-law sell, and it's no fun.

  21. Good luck with the house sale. We're attempting to help my mother-in-law sell, and it's no fun.

  22. Yes, I too hope your house sells soon! And the shelves look great. I love having little memmentoes of other times about...

  23. Joanne - I love your mementoes - isn't it lovely that each one holds such a story.
    Hope the house sale goes through soon.

  24. Oh my gosh! You're selling your house? I've been away so long from actual blog visiting that I didn't realize this was happening. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it sells quickly.

  25. Yes! A vacation is definitely in order! Hope that house sells soon!!!

  26. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time selling your house. Hope those buyers hurry up and buy it.
