
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Up sticks

I lamented at dinner tonight, with friends and family, this upping sticks business has kept me from keeping up with blogs. I should just post the for sale sign, I sighed, and my son in law heartily seconded. Back shortly, I hope, with stories.


  1. ?? Are you moving??? You know how to keep us hanging!!

    Looking forward to those stories!

  2. Moving? Go well. And we will be here when you return.

  3. We will be here waiting to hear those stories!


  4. Who is upping sticks? You?? Take your time we are all still here.

  5. I'm sad to think of you leaving the garden and all the work you put into it; then I'm happy that you'll find a lovely new place that is perfect for you and the girls.

  6. I just can repeat the question of everybody here on the blog: "Are you moving"?

  7. Have I missed something Joanne? Are you selling up and moving? Do keep in touch when you have time.

  8. Such work involved with a move. Good luck.

  9. I think I missed something here... hope all is well.

  10. Hari om
    ...and I am privileged to be in the thick of it! I know you'll be back on 'the bus' soon enough... AND am certain there'll be a tale or 87 😁. YAM xx

  11. I was just thinking yesterday how quiet you've been. and after all that work in the garden, you're selling?!

  12. You have been missed. I hope to hear your news soon.

  13. Yes, we'll welcome your return and all the stories you'll have for us.

  14. Hi. I am glad to see that you posted; was beginning to be concerned. I think this is about your good friend who is moving? You told us awhile back about a dear friend who was finally able to do something she wanted to do---move. You were not happy about it. What with Laura in her new room, I see no way YOU would be going anywhere. I have not heard the term "upping sticks". A novel way to say "moving on up"! I do look forward to your stories. Thanks for the update!

    1. My BFF of nearly forty years is moving to South Carolina. But, my house is for sale and I'm moving, too. I may need to bury St. Joseph in the front yard. Upsidedown, is it?

    2. Yes, and facing the direction you intend to move. It works. Wish I had one to loan you.

    3. I did that too and the house sold, but I didn't know of the direction thing.

  15. Oh dear, you know we need details.

  16. Upping sticks is a totally new expression for me. Very colorful. Good luck.

  17. Must be moving to college to be near grand baby.

  18. What the heck?? Hope all is going well!

  19. well from reading the comment section (often the best part of the blog) I've learned you are moving. I wish you all the best and that everything settles down in the best way for you.

  20. You gave us no warning! But, our time has come as well, since we are also moving, end of July. I feel like part of us is staying here, after 27 years.

    Write when you can. You are a friend.

  21. That was a short blog.

  22. I thought I had missed a blog post until I saw everyone else is asking the same question. Good luck with it all. I know it can be very stressful.

  23. Had to come back and re-read your post. So sudden? We are moving as well, at the end of July. It's time.

  24. Been thinking of "upping sticks". Never heard it before. I am used to "pulling up stakes". Know you got it correct, just new to me.

  25. You're moving. I go away for a few weeks and when I get back everything has changed. Re-plant those sticks soon and let us know the news.

  26. Stressful time I know but you will come through it and settle again. Good luck.

  27. Stressful time I know but you will come through it and settle again. Good luck.
