
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Narcissus must know, and bloom anyway

Yesterday afternoon, on the way back from the library,
I stopped to enjoy the narcissus bed.

And from my bedroom window this morning,

I find snow appropriated the chairs.


  1. Snow still... really, Joanne? But at least there are narcissus!

  2. Your post reminded me of (too) many Easters in SE Ohio... daffodils blooming... new Easter finery (with heavyweight underwear beneath).... and newly fallen snow on the ground. My niece had an outdoor wedding on April 4th (can't remember what year)... we couldn't go because the roads were icy and treacherous... yeah, we're from Ohio, aren't we?

  3. Well, brrrrr, hope it melts soon.

  4. Several states away and yet we're weather twins!

  5. Spring is coming, it's just not in a hurry.

  6. it's all extremes these days. Thursday it was like summer, high 80s. Friday night I woke up during the night to hear the heater had come on which is set at 68˚. the last two mornings it was in the low 40s. this is a repeat of earlier in March when it was in the 70s/80s and the we had a frost that took my white iris buds. and for some weird reason, my wisteria didn't bloom this year. I thought it must have died but no, it's leafing out.

  7. Early spring is SO unpredictable! We turned on the furnace yesterday, and today it went off again and I opened a couple of windows.

  8. I thought of you this morning while watching CBS Sunday Morning (a piece about grandparents parenting)

  9. I'm burning up while I'm reading this. 80 degrees. I can't abide snow after February. I even went and bought geraniums today. I wondered why so many were posting on such a pretty day. Guess some places it wasn't so pretty.

  10. Friday - 80 degrees, today - 29 degrees when I woke up. Mother Nature is a prankster.

  11. Spring is having a tough time taking hold this year.

  12. Spring is a chronic flirt isn't she? Always. Sticks her foot inside the door, and then scurries out again. And repeats those moves several times.

  13. It is that time of year. It will end... won't it?

  14. Beauty on both ends of the weather spectrum!

  15. It sure is a crazy spring. My daughter texted a photo of the front yard and car blanketed with snow yesterday. Good gracious! Actually I remember one of the biggest snowfalls in Chicago happened in April. Luckily it melted quickly enough. Your narcissus is gorgeous!!! This snowfall was probably winter's last sneaky hurrah.

  16. Daffodils and snow; quite the unusual combination.

  17. Beautiful. Daffodils here were very sad looking after a big storm.

  18. And we are having summer today here in The Netherlands❣And to think that some folks do not believe in global weather changing. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  19. I miss seeing the spring bulbs in bloom. Thanks for the photo.

  20. Well, the sun is shining here, but it's only 52 and I'm longing for summer! Snow in April is so annoying.

  21. Hari OM
    ...egad... not quite snow here, but certainly a backwards turn after a great weekend. ... oh well... YAM xx

  22. I think they rely on the degree of light more than the temperature. Aren't they beautiful - I just wish I could smell them too.

  23. I thought they were daffodils? narcissus? what did Trump rename them?

  24. We in the middle states weather such mercurial springs, don't we? It's either sunny and heartening or white and fluffy all over again…

  25. We in the middle states weather such mercurial springs, don't we? It's either sunny and heartening or white and fluffy all over again…

  26. Amazing how the weather turned on a dime.

  27. We had pretty much the same thing happen here. It was so beautiful, and then it snowed. And now it's gone again. Our crocuses are coming out!
