
Thursday, February 25, 2016

I planned posts for all this stuff

I got the key to the locked room on the second floor,
and took a picture of the hummingbird nest, from,
more or less, eye level. Can you find it?

Took this picture of the pileated practice tree I pass.
I've seen a pileated woodpecker on this tree twice.
A couple of years ago, going to work, a big woodpecker was working the tree.
"Please be there when I come back with my camera," I said to him.
Turned around, back up the hill to home. Woodpecker still there.
Returned in ten minutes with camera.

Spring still hovers.

A new shirt for the gallery.
Actually, this is embarrassing.
I finished making up the white fabric on Tuesday evening,
took pictures,
Delivered to the gallery on Wednesday.
Looking at the pictures today, I see I missed the last job; 
give everything a quick press.

At the gallery.

I planned posts for the weeks' pictures,
And now it's Thursday.
Week in review.


  1. I'd love to see a pileated woodpecker I think they are in this area, but probably mostly in deep woods. Hope you get a picture.

  2. Hari OM
    The days do flash by, don't they? LOVE the white. YAM xx

  3. Beautiful clothing... but way too warm to wear here :-( Are those crocus? WoooHooo! Our son-in-law sent us a photo of daffodils (blooming!) we planted at their place in Texas a few years ago. Daffodils mean spring to me... Ahhhhh.... so much nicer than summer. I find that I am still an Ohio girl when it comes to seasons! (no apologies!!!!)

  4. Woodpeckers? Hummingbirds? Jealous thoughts.
    Love, love, love that white. Stylish and elegant and it also looks truly comfortable.

  5. I wear lots of white or black. Simpler nowadays. Watched the birds today. My they are busy and must know that spring is nigh. Can't believe what you make. Mind boggling to me.

  6. I love seeing the rack of your beautiful garments Joanne.

  7. I clicked on the picture and still did not see the hummingbird.
    They are one of the more interesting birds.

  8. I see the nest! Up and to the left of the little white square on what looks to be a gray recycling bin! Tiny!

    Your blouses and work are lovely, pressed or not.

  9. This was a post full of variety. Very nice.

  10. I liked that shirt :) I had to laugh about you wanting to get your camera for the bird and wanting it to be there waiting for you; I tend to want the same things here myself sometimes :)


  11. Oh my goodness, that nest IS tiny, isn't it! You must have used a close-up option previously.

    Your garment styles are multiplying ... something for everyone.

  12. Probably that woodpecker went home to get a quick shave and a haircut, to look good for the camera.
    Your clothing selections are looking very nice.

  13. Great shirt. I enjoyed all the photos, especially those little yellow flowers, the first signs of spring.

  14. How you fit all these things into your day I can't imagine Joanne.

  15. I have never seen a woodpecker in person, though I have seen pictures.
    That shirt looks lovely.

  16. If I enlarge your first photo I can see the hummingbird nest. I love the new jacket/sweater. Beautiful!

  17. Now you are diligent, Joanne - and the white shirt looks wonderful - if it is linnen, it must not be pressed too much but shall look a bit crinkled, very posh!

    1. It is a finer cotton than I generally use, and it fulled beautifully. It has good hand, which simply means it goes through your fingers with a lingering sensation; you don't want to let go.
      Body warmth chases the wrinkles, as does the first press.

  18. i am most anxious to see if this really is a hummingbird nest. If so, I will kiss you on the lips...One of your favorite quotes. Don't know where you live Odd Essay but cotton is cool in hot regions. I own many and want one of these new white ones- my main reason is the pockets. MP3, phone, etc.
