
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Nine o'clock appointment for purple hair

These three women, Lindsey, Mel and Beth, and several others, 
once worked for a hair salon that I used.
One day I recognized no one.
In a dispute with management, they upped sticks and opened their own salon.
They get my business and my support.
I'm here today with two young women interested in purple hair.

Laura started out in Mel's chair,

but ended in Lindsey's.
First all the old colors, and especially Laura's own Sharpie pen tints, had to be removed.

Over by Emily, Mel used two different color removers on Emily, and the teal would not come out.
Plan B: Purple on the new blond and teal on the ends.

Now it was noon and I had things to do.
I quit knitting and left them. 

When I came back, Emily had hair on the floor, purple and blue on top.

Laura had a lot of purple, soaking in.

Mel and Emily are pleased with their compromise.

Over at Lindsey's station, Laura is drying out.

"You'd really like it curled," Lindsey told Laura.

And, everyone did.

Emily is very happy and I think Laura is over the moon.

Back home in the real world, six hours from start,
making egg rolls for supper.


  1. I don't think the school my grandgirls go to allow the students to attend with wildly colored hair. but I like it.

    1. There was some discussion at the High School (Emily); the powers decided it was OK. Laura probably didn't ask, but they can't beat my argument--it's only hair.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Rachel. They thought a lot about what they wanted to do.

  3. Looks good. I like the two colours on Emily's hair and Laura's does look nice in curls. You are right, hair is hair and most people have hair that grows out so no long term damage if they didn't like it but I think they like it.

  4. What a cool Grandma you are, my Grandmother, either of them, would have had a heart attack if we'd dyed our hair.

  5. Hari OM
    Stunning, the both of them!!! YAM xx

  6. They have inherited your artistic flair!
    Jane x

  7. Mrs. C always has some purple streaks in honor of her parents who died of Pancreatic Cancer, I like it. I think you should be the cool Grandma and do it too. Go as wild as you know you are.

    The kids look great!

  8. SO much better than tattoos that are basically there forever.
    Although there they are with that beautiful blond hair and here I am going to CVS to pick up a box of L'Oreal's Excellence 8RG (golden blonde)

  9. I wish I had been that free and bold at that age. I like their hair.

  10. They look so cute!! I love the smiles on their faces :) and I love that you give them the freedom like this to experiment with different hair colors :)


  11. Great kids. Must be fun to have them around.

  12. I like it! Such pretty colors and such pretty hair. It will go very well from winter into spring! February has a purple birthstone, and of course Easter's color is purple!

  13. Both girls have such naturally beautiful hair - they are so lucky!

  14. My hair color once came out violet, and my father loved it! That was the coolest thing he ever said to me. :) Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  15. Emily's is GORGEOUS!!! And Laura's is beautiful as well. I like the curls on her, too. I think your hair dressers' business will do very well.

  16. Interesting looks. I'm glad you let them do this, teens need to be allowed to express the identities and hair is a good way to do it.

  17. You are a wonderful grandma to let them experiment with styles to show their personalities. It does look quite interesting. I agree that the curls really are pretty with the color.

  18. They look great! If I regret one thing in my life, it is not having coloured my hair more often (though I had many, many different hairstyles).

  19. What a wonderful, understanding and (dare I say) 'way out' Gran you are!!

  20. Love their hair... and the curls! It's funny that kids want purple hair... when I was a kid, only old ladies had purple hair. Really, they did... white or gray haired ladies (usually wealthy ones) had a purple tint put on their hair). Don't tell Emily and Laura that they are way behind times ;-)

  21. Teal and purple my favorite colors. I sometimes wonder if all that stripper and wild color is safe to use all the time? Hum. of course I get blond streaks about twice a year cause it's so costly. My parents would never have allowed me to do any of this; couldn't even get my ears pierced till I turned 18 and then did it myself with a potato at my girlfriends.

  22. It's only will grow out or can be shaved off. The schools are concerned about these hair styles and colours being a distraction to other students but oddness is becoming the norm now and no one really notices anymore.

  23. My goodness! That's all I can say. My goodness!

  24. Love both of them and their new do's. My purple is so dark it doesn't show as much. Yes, Grandma it is only hair and you should do something wild. I have set the pace and dare you.

  25. As long as they like it. It is not a big deal to change later on. I'm glad to remain happy with my natural color no matter how it ages.

  26. Those girls are bold!! New look for them. Blondes hold onto color forever. My 9 yr. blondie used pink hair something for school colors day. Color went down to the roots, I swear.

  27. You are the best, and they look great!

  28. Well they say a change is as good as a holiday, tell them they look great.

  29. Emily's hair is stunning! She looks wonderful! I do believe growing up has agreed with her!
