
Monday, January 18, 2016

But the hill, Gramma

Emily had a 1:30 interview at Hiram today, for the eclectic honors program.
It's a forty five minute trip.
At 12:30 she wanted to leave.

"What if we have trouble getting up the hill, Gramma?"
I'm still laughing.
Here at the end of the glacial moraine, there is no such thing as trouble getting up hills like this in winter. 
If there is trouble getting up the hill, it's because you drove down the other side in the first place.
Sorry, I'm still laughing.

It's two degrees here, which is in the minus sixteen range for Celsius users.
However, the roads are clean as a whistle. 

Emily's interview was in a building I would call a student union.
I wonder if they still have that name.
As we entered, a tall woman stepped out from the students gathered and asked "Are you Emily?"
I kept on walking, climbed a tall bistro stool at the back and took out my half knit sock.

It was tough, but I didn't look over too often. Once I saw the tall woman stop some students walking through, who stopped and chatted a bit.

When it was over and we were back in the car I asked Emily about the students who had been brought into the discussion.

"They're eclectic honors students," Emily explained. "I was introduced as 'a prospective eclectic honors; oh, never mind, this is a new eclectic honors student.'"

No idea, except she's in.

As for the hill, all I can tell you is she might as well be finishing high school at Hiram. She's a natural, who does not intend to show up late.

Still laughing about "trouble getting up the hill."


  1. It sounds as though Emily is set to tackle any hill placed in front of her.
    Jane x

  2. I would have left at 11:30, just in case. She seems wonderfully relaxed to me �� Exciting times! And. It seems she's all ready to go.

  3. Wanting to make sure she's there on time... that's definitely a plus! And seeing your weather and roads, I would have left even earlier. Glad it went well.

  4. Great interviewer to introduce her like that, must have been a fantastic moment for Emily.

    1. There were high fives in the front seat of the car.

  5. Tell her a lady in OK is so proud of her. No mountain to high for your girls.

  6. Wonderful news. And I love how fast prospective changed to actual.
    I am chronically early myself. Sometimes embarrassingly so.

  7. I always imagine everything that can go wrong and leave 2 hours early, it's in my DNA. Congratulations to Emily.

  8. At first I read, 'electric' and wondered what that meant. Then you told us more, I got the word right, and I'm still feeling like I must be reading a foreign tongue. Okay, it's been a while since I was at school. Lol All the best to Emily. Glad you made it up that hill! ;-)

  9. Doesn't sound like Emily will have much trouble getting up any hills. But glad she wants to be prepared. Eclectic? Interesting word choice! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

    1. As I understand, as a class they pick an eclectic subject and pursue it to the end.

  10. May your Emily have as much success as mine has.

  11. Sounds like a great achievement for her and a wonderful adventure to be part of. Reassuring for you to know she'll make it to her classes on time once she starts there :)


  12. Emily is definitely a girl with a plan. I hope it all works out well for her.

  13. Being early is never bad (said the chronic latecomer) ... I am still trying to instill the habit in myself.

    Emily is a go-getter. Reminds me of someone.

  14. Congratulation to Emily! She is over the hill (though, honestly, I couldn't grasp why you were laughing - are you living on top of the hill? What joke did I not understand?)
    Oh: 16°C is quite a lot...

    1. Getting traction on an icy hill, and what if we don't, is what good sensible Emily was worrying about.

  15. Hari OM
    Molehills as opposed to mountains then? Good work... YAM xx

  16. She's in...hooray.....

  17. Good for Emily. There are so many exciting adventures ahead for her.

  18. I don't really understand what Emily has achieved but well done her and it's always a good idea to set off early... Thank goodness we did for the airport with Jess !

  19. I have never before heard of "eclectic honors," but I like the ring of it. Congrats to her--and well done, at supporting it while staying out of it.

  20. Eclectic Emily. I like the sound of that.

  21. I'll bet you are very proud of that girl!!

  22. I'm still wondering what eclectic honours is, it is a new term for me. But I am glad she got in. I have a feeling Emily is going to succeed in whatever she tries to do.
