
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Plan B +

We pulled a lot together in a week.

Linda came Wednesday afternoon and wove until Thursday afternoon.
That took care of about half the remaining warp.

I'll try the yoga skirt from this tomorrow.

Friday evening and this morning Emily took over.
Her first time throwing a shuttle.

In the meantime, I wound all the bobbins for a scarf warp,

which Emily got on the loom.
Here, tying the new threads onto the old threads in the tension box.

Turn, turn turning the new warp onto the sectional beam.

Beth arrived mid afternoon, and we began threading heddles. That's the royal "we;" I handed threads.

Her reward was to pick the color of the first scarf.

Basketweave with stripe. Looks a little psychedelic. 

We should have scarves to the gallery by Wednesday.


  1. Tell Emily I love her hair! And I love it that she's there working with you. All right! Is that you with a cast on? Darn! How much longer?

  2. Teamwork at its very best.
    And yet another new skill to Emily's bow. Love that scarf too. Soft and lovely.
    Yay you.

  3. Ah, bless you and your family, you lovely people.

  4. oh look at all those threads making scarves, so beautiful.

  5. Where there's a will there's a warp (I mean way).

  6. Very nice. Hope the sales are good.

  7. What a neat experience that is for Emily. And I like her hair, too.

  8. I deeply respect skilled craftsmen and ladies! regardless of the craft. Needless to say, I admire you a great deal! my best to you and yours!

  9. Amazing what you can do with that contraption.

    I threw a shuttle once. It took weeks and a lot of Advil to get better.

  10. Oh, it looks like Greek to me. Could there be a budding weaver? What a great thing to teach/learn on many levels.

  11. Somethin' somethin' about "it takes a village" here. I am so glad there are bodies to help you.

    And yoga skirt you say? I must chase down the explanation of what you'll be making...previous blog post I've missed, most likely?

  12. Look at Emily go! Glad you will have the order delivered next week!


  13. Admire your perseverance ( and your "helping hands")! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  14. Beautiful work and such a lot of effort you put into it. I'm so glad you are teaching the younger set so this craftsmanship will hopefully continue.

  15. Hari OM
    Way to go peeps!!! Nothing like a bit of bright pink to brighten up a winter day... so glad you had many hands to make the work lighter. YAM xx

  16. Very nice to see all this. thank you Joanne.

  17. What it is to have beautiful and willing helpers.

  18. Lovely to see Emily joining you & learning the trade x

  19. A talented group of women. I wish this gallery were local to me.

  20. How nice to see Beth back at the loom!

  21. Fascinating, Joanne. I have never seen anyone weave (or prepare to weave). Definitely an interesting process.
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. I find your descriptions of weaving fascinating, it's a foreign country to me.

  23. I'm glad you found help. And Emily might acquire a taste for it.
    Whenever I put the beautiful pink scarf you wove on, I think of you, Joanne - thank you! And best wishes!

  24. Weaving is something I don't believe I could ever do. It looks so complicated and there's so much that could go wrong. I like these pictures of you all at the loom, though. I am glad you're getting some assistance.

  25. A weaver's barn raising! Emily is such a good egg, as are your friends.
    And the pink scarf is loverly.

  26. Loved seeing the pictures. Looks like you all work well together!!

  27. wish I could have done more for you. This is not the type of weaving where you have to beat the weft "into submission". Very delicate and have a new appreciation for your art. Well worth every $$ one pays for one of your artistic creations.

  28. I'm so glad you're getting some help to get your weaving into the gallery before Christmas - striking while the iron is hot, so to speak, a necessity in the crafting world. Look after that arm, though, missy :)

  29. Glad you were able to accomplish so much! Thanks for sharing the process. The colors and the patterns look very pretty.


  30. Nice to see you aren't entirely left out of the process, how is the arm/shoulder holding up?
    I like that pinky basketweave with stripe pattern and colour. It offers so many colour choices should you want to add fringing.

  31. Nice to see the tradition being continued down the line. How is your arm. P/t yet? Love the colors of the scarf!

  32. Now I think two of your pictures show a shuttle.
