
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Busy Saturday

In the studio, Laura sorts quilt fabric for Aunt Janice.

Emily sews quilt blocks.

Jan held up two panels of her current quilt.
She is making several quilts to be raffled to provide food bank funding.

I finished the scarf I wove on all week, and it's on Helen, at the Gallery.

Together with one lonely purple scarf.
And me, taking its picture.
And Emily, watching.


  1. You have been busy. And productive.
    So very productive.
    Love your scarf.

  2. today is my day of forced inactivity and forced human contact except it's a little slim on the human contact part today. weather is threatening so no one is out.

    1. Town was wall to wall today. The elf scavenger hunt. I hope the merchants made money, though I don't see how with all those parents dragging kids through galleries, for crying out loud, looking for a damn elf. The three galleries are all glass and pottery. I don't know what the chamber is up to these days. Any fool knows parents with small children don't spend money, except at the restaurants and the ice cream shop.

    2. right!? the Monterrey Square Merchants Association keeps coming up with these promotions to get people to come downtown and shop. the most recent last Friday was Christmas on the Square...bouncy house, Mr. and Mrs. Santa and a photographer, they would have had carolers except they couldn't find a group who would do it, and then two music events one of which happens every month and the other is a fund raiser for the community theater. the shops are antique stores and gift shops, a frame and gallery shop, a coffee shop and used bookstore, a floor coverings shop and they are trying to attract parents with young kids? it was a no show, shops were supposed to stay open til 9 but when the music entertainment started there was no one on the Square. our shop closed at 7. all these promotions are failures because the people of Wharton don't support Wharton businesses. this is a crappy little town and the powers that be are doing their damnedest to keep it that way.

  3. All of the creations are lovely. It is an artistic family you have.

  4. Great work and very creative indeed.

  5. All the works are beautiful! It's so lovely to see the two generations working together to make it happen.♥

  6. Good to see everyone working together. The purple/lavender scarf is so pretty. Has it turned cold up there yet?

  7. To appreciate your beautiful weaving, I enlarged your photos. What beautiful fabric you weave! And I noticed your grand-daughter was sewing quilt blocks on a vintage Kenmore. I love my "jet setter" 70's model. So dependable! Happy to see that your grand-daughters are, too! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  8. Wonderful to see the girls helping and learning. They will never regret it. Skills for a lifetime.

  9. Good for you for finishing your weaving project! It was a great busy day for you guys; productive indeed!


  10. In the days to come, I suspect I'll be asking myself wwJd (what would Joanne do) quite frequently.

  11. Good to see that the girls are back at it. ( knew they would be).... Your scarfs/shawls look wonderful. I'm just finishing (yeah, right) packing for our 3 months in Mexico, and your purple shirt is at the top of the pile. Someday... yes someday... I'm gonna be up there in NE Ohio and visit you.

  12. You do beautiful work, Joanne, and how nice to see the girls so involved in these projects.

  13. Love the scarves Joanne - and how lovely to see those girls and their quilts.

  14. A great start to a good life for those girls.

  15. Very pretty scarves. Good luck with the sales.

  16. For a gal with a crippled wing you do all right.

  17. Nice to see you all so busy and you with an arm in a sling still! The scarves turned out very nicely, they look very warm. Janice's quilts are as beautiful as always, I love her work.

  18. If I had to choose just one of those scarves, I don't know if I could choose. Beautiful!

  19. Such beautiful scarves and quilts!!

  20. Sad that I don't see both granddaughters weaving for you but doing charity work at quilting.Charity doesn't pay the bills for these girls. Emily, get to the loom, figure it out and earn your keep. Entitlement isn't in the cards for you. Cute pics but you need to be helping with all the expenses of what you want. Yes, I know you read this blog. \

  21. Those quilts are gorgeous and I'm rather partial to the purple scarf. It looks so soft and stylish.
