
Friday, November 27, 2015

Another Friday, another football game

Hudson is three for three in the sudden death playoff games. Unlike last year, with a lot of snow on the ground, this fall was unseasonably warm. Unlike last year, when the football team surely would be defeated in this fourth game, and was, mercifully ending the marching band season for a jaded old grandma, there seems little chance of a defeat tonight.

Unlike last year in the snow, tonight it is cold and raining. Somehow snow falling in the stadium lights is more bearable than rain beating relentlessly on a game where the band’s chief job is to help maintain momentum for the team, especially when they never truly were invested in the outcome of any football game. 

Adding insult to injury, the knowledge that a good number of fellow marching band members have been “called off” by their parents in order to keep the Thanksgiving holiday. I believe I am safe in saying Emily believes as I do, she signed on for the bad times as well as the good, and Liam and Joe’s parents are of the same opinion. 

So, another Friday, another football game.

But, there was no joy in my car when I loaded on my two complete opposite brothers. Joe, the pessimist, was wallowing in angst, while Liam, the optimist, would not cut his brother a millimeter of slack or sympathy. They remind me of my own two brothers, one of whom considered himself superior to the other, and shot tiny, ill disguised barbs frequently. The major difference, my brother who took the abuse was a pacifist who seldom retaliated.

Before we left the curb, Joe began a litany of worries. I thought his father’s back looked discouraged as he walked back into the house, and I soon saw why.  Liam started in on Joe at once for his negativity. Joe responded. Liam responded. Joe yelled to just shut up, he didn’t want to fight. Liam yelled to Joe to shut up first. 

I figured they still were sugared up from yesterday, so I asked Joe if he had a nice day. Yes, the best Thanksgiving on record. Liam at once asked why Joe was so negative today. Joe yelled he didn’t want to fight. Liam needled again. Blows were exchanged, an interesting phenomena with one as front passenger and the other in the back seat driver corner, and both strapped in. I pulled to the curb and informed them they would be returned to their father forthwith, if unable to restrain themselves.

We drove on, with silence from Joe, needling from Liam,  Joe bellowing for Liam to shut up. I told Liam to shut up a couple of times, myself, but he was as unable to lay off Joe as Joe is to not verbalize anxiety. Suddenly Joe asked I not tell his mother. I assured him she would only know if a police report must be filed.

If there is a God in heaven, this team must lose tonight. If you agree, clap your hands.


  1. Football it's everywhere, I like the games but all the politics and hipe that goes with it gets a bit much sometimes.
    Anyway it's cricket season here and thats good to sleep to, but they are still talking about football.

  2. I hope that you guys had a happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Sorry, I just can not root for a team to lose, they work so hard, to win it all would be a super achievement!!

    1. Sigh. I see there will be no help from New Jersey. I guess I must also tell you their starting quarterback broke his leg the first game of the season and the second string guy has carried the season. But I still want it over.

  4. I am clapping loudly and longly ... is it working yet? Oh god, if there's anything worse than bickering siblings I don't know what it is. Bickering siblings that aren't related to oneself, I guess. Sometimes kids just seem unable to help themselves but usually they show restraint when they are on somebody else's turf ...

  5. I have one son who is the world's worst pessimist. He always sees the dark side of everything. Luckily he is more quiet than the others.

  6. I remember your laments last year and this season seems to be going on a bit longer. I agree with you; being out there in the cold and rain does not sound appealing; snow was always so much better to be in, even if it was freezing out. I do hope whatever the outcome of the game it is a fair played game with no injuries and no sicknesses as a result of being out in that terrible weather and that the outcome is a merciful one for you.


  7. Eleven o'clock news flash: my brother in law just came in. They lost.

  8. I was too late to clap (having just seen your comment). But would have. Very, very loudly. Two of my brothers are obviously closely related to Liam and Joe. Now in their late 60s they no longer resort to fisticuffs - but the needling is relentless. Sigh.

    1. Since I can't clap, consider me cheering. And I am thinking of your wounded warrior status and imaging the sound of one hand clapping...

  9. All credit for turning up when others didn't. Luckily my two have never bickered. Your pacafist brother sounds the stronger of the two but I suspect the more aggressive one considered him to be weak.

    My oldest brother rattled my dad with his intelligence ( though my dad was a well educated man he was also a military man ) I think dad had more respect for the brother who lashed out in temper & thumped him !!!

  10. Your comment about your brothers strikes an unpleasant chord with me and mine and a life time of one verbally abusing the other two and neither of them ever retaliating, never rising to the bait. He also did the same to me all my life but I of course could not let it go and I did retaliate right through until now I never ever see him nor do I want to because his final verbal outburst was fatal to any remnants of a relationship we had as brother and sister and I ended any contact with him. Very sad but true.

  11. I clapped my hands, did they lose?
    Sorry to hear about Joe and Liam, I guess everyone has their breaking point.
    Were they okay on the way home?

  12. Oh gosh, I really must remember to read the other comments first. I see the team lost and you get to rest until next year. From the football anyway.

  13. Good for the kids who showed up; good for the end of the season; good for the grandma who does not have to sit on hard seats in all kinds of weather, bad for the boys who chose to take out their frustrations in your car.

  14. I do enjoy reading about the adventures of Joe and Liam. Must be hard for Liam, he is too young to understand Joe's crippling anxiety.

  15. I love your reply about the police getting involved.... at least the kids were all strapped in and couldn't do much physical harm, but still... the carping gets on one's nerves.

  16. Clapping like crazy for you......have you tried just laughing at them and asking them if they realized how ridiculous they sound?

  17. It sounds like you were driving a couple of toddlers to the game, not high school students. Glad your football days are over for the year.
