
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Take a peek

Emily is taking a service learning class this year.
She is so excited, working with second graders as her project.

Emily's "extra mile" participation in everything she does keeps me smiling, 
even if I often am the taxi service!

She decided her second graders each would color a block from one of my sister's book of 1000 quilt blocks,

And Emily will spend her weekends creating them in fabric.
The finished quilt will be donated to Akron Children's Hospital or to Children's Hospice.

Go read about it on my sister's blog,

It's a good story.


  1. I read yours and your sister's blog. WOW! They learned to quilt so young, and the project she's now working on is incredible. She is to be commended. You've raised a very special lady.

  2. I am in awe of the talent,the commitment,the leadership skills,the ability to follow direction,and the elders who instilled this in her!
    Jane x

  3. Amazing! I wish my Mom could meet Emily.... (my Mom is long gone) because their patience, determination AND eye for color and detail are a match. Joanne, you are raising terrific young'ns!

  4. Am I wrong, or were these children looking for direction a few years ago? Seems like someone has.been a pretty good GPS.

    You must be proud.

  5. That sounds like a huge project she's undertaken. Hope there's a photo posted of the final product.

  6. Hari OM
    Hopped over and read the full story - wonderful!!! I too like that last design and noted your response re being young man's concept... I see the name Drake.... the one marked what looks like Shawrin is also very pleasing... aw heck, just being picky, cuz they are all great! Emily is a chip off the old block, albeit still being chisled &*> YAM xx

  7. That is a great idea. And the quilt blocks are lovely.

  8. I am so impressed with your granddaughters. I am so impressed with their grandma and great aunt. It takes a lot of work and patience to make a quilt and the same qualities to raise good people.

  9. I went, I read, I marvelled. You, your sister and Emily have all done good.

  10. Left a comment there; how neat she found something she enjoyed doing at such a young age and was encouraged to do so! I bet that quilt will look awesome when completed!


  11. More than a good story - a great story. What a truly good thing to dream up, carry out, and share the good feelings with all those kids. Just wonderful!

  12. For a minute I thought Emily was having the second graders sew the blocks and I was thinking they're some pretty amazing second graders.

  13. I just love that last pattern.
    Your Emily sounds a thoroughly nice girl, and you can tell her so from me over here in the UK.

  14. great project and beautiful color choices on the blocks.

  15. This is amazing, as are both you and Emily!

    It is rather nice having something to do. =)

  16. Very nice of her to work with kids. I love those quilt samples, too.

  17. when my daughter was in Girl Scouts, one of the projects was for each girl to make a quilt square and then we would sew them all together and donate the quilt. as it turned out, the girls weren't all that thrilled with sewing and one of the mothers ended up doing all the sewing. we had all the quilt squares but the troop kind of fell apart and the quilt never got made. the squares ended up in my daughter's attic eventually and when we moved summer of 2014 I went up there to try and find them but couldn't. so much stuff up there and it was all abandoned.

  18. oh and good for Emily. she is going to be an awesome adult.

  19. Very pretty! And what a great things to do with little ones!!

  20. Dear Joanne, thanks for sharing your sister's site. Her daughter Emily sounds like a real sweetheart. The 2nd graders are going to be so proud of themselves. She came up with a wonderful project that will help them feel both creative and good to others. Most children really do want to help others. Sympathy seems to come naturally to them. Take care. Peace.

  21. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, amazing ladies.

  22. What a marvelous project Emily has taken on -- barbara

  23. ...and that Emily is a good child!

  24. What beautiful colors! Genes will tell!
