
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Still chasing autumn

I took my camera, yesterday, on the way to drop off a couple more things at the gallery.

The sun was shining on everything.

Across the lake.
We've lost so many trees to emerald ash borer.

More dead ash trees.
Our considerable stock of wood for the studio stove for the last couple of winters has been ash trees cleared out from neighboring properties.

Another stop, another maple.

 Pictures don't do this oak all its due.

My favorite over arching. I've presented it in all seasons. 

From the other side. The cable company has no idea how I despise that cable, especially knowing no one watches TV any more.

From the underside. There were twice as many leaves yesterday; however, the weather was half as lovely.

When I dropped off my two things at the gallery, Diane, the owner was there.
"Let me help you, what do you need?" she said.
"Just a couple of hangers. I can get them." (From my tub of empty hangers in the bin in the back room.)
"No, here, I got them. Look, two right on top, not put away from the last that was sold."

I may like the looks of my check at month's end.


  1. Hari OM
    what wonderful colour - I was just lamenting to my sister this morning that the colour here has been very short-lived... so glad to hear that sales are happening for you! YAM xx

  2. Congratulations on sales! Good to see after all your hard work.
    Masterful photos - the water on the pond looks like glass.

  3. That sounds great with the sales! Such pretty fall pictures. Our leaves are just starting to change here.


  4. Your fall colors are wonderful! And it sounds like your sales are doing pretty well also. Kudos!!

  5. Sad about the Ash trees. Stunning colours. I enjoyed the trip to my mother's yesterday through the New forest but would love to see Fall in America one day x

  6. Glorious fall pictures. They illustrate why the fall is my favorite time of year. I love the sound of leaves runching under my feet. I hope you are rewarded mightily at the end of the month.

  7. Money always makes our side jobs better.

  8. Good. Congratulations on the sales.

  9. Loved travelling with you.
    Huge congratulations on the sales. Totally deserved.

  10. greetings! Joanne Noragon ! I came by to see your pictures. They are wonderful and I enjoyed them very much. You have a wonderful blog! It makes me smile and there aren't enough smiles in this world! ha ha I come here often and thought I better comment and let you know I appreciate You! ha ha

  11. Beautiful autumn trees... but let's hope that check is even more beautiful. Congratulations!

    1. I'm not looking for that much, but empty hangers is a good sign.

  12. Empty hangers are good. Sad to see the trees die, but such a joy to see those that have survived in their fall glory. I love those canopies also.

  13. Ducks on a river always worthwhile to stop and watch.
    Sad about the trees.

  14. The booming sales make your last post even more poignant. Success - derailed by lack of affordable supplies :(

    Beautiful leaves. We are having the same here!

  15. The trees are just not up to par this year,but I prefer the warmer weather that thwarts their colours.
    Jane x
    PS Am sending a friend request...double barrel in Chris's name.

  16. Your fall colors are gorgeous. Mine are just beginning to turn, but there won't be anything but yellows.

  17. I love shaded roadways. Australia could use a few of those!
    Nice to hear the gallery doing so well.

  18. Yeah for checks at month's end every little bit helps, sad about the ash trees, we are having a spectacular fall here too I was just admiring all the colors yesterday as I drove up to the gallery and back again. This year we have peach and golden colors along with the red and yellow, too bad middle of week we are expecting a lot of rain I hope the colors last afterwards. Not much on TV these days worth watching except an occasional movie or PBS specials.

  19. I appreciate seeing the fall color. So pretty.

  20. Would love to be able to see that gallery in real life. Going back to a real autumn in The Netherlands in a few hours. Thanks for your kind words on my blog today. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  21. the maples are beautiful. we don't really get any fall color unless we have an early cold snap. too bad about the ash trees. we lost so many pines and other trees from the severe drought several years ago.

    1. I do remember that drought. And now it's raining cats and dogs!

  22. This area has lost a lot of trees as well.

  23. I love that arch, too. Pretty colors.

  24. Love the canopy over the road. We used to live in Tallahassee and there are quite a few roads there canopied with trees. Love to drive down those roads.

  25. Always carry your camera the professional photographers tell us. You captured some good examples of some brightly colored fall trees. -- barbara

  26. What??? No one watches TV anymore? We still do in my neck of the woods. In fact, my TV is never off! Sounds like you are doing very well at the Studio!
