
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Missing my nap

The only nap I've had in the last six weeks was last night; fifteen minutes between Emily's senior pictures and her induction into National Honor Society.

Tonight was a toss-up between taking Emily to a school camp, Laura to an appointment, or an internecine village council meeting where I would have been hard pressed to keep my lip zipped.

Jan took Emily to camp, I took Laura to her appointment and I suppose they're still arguing, down in the village.

Sunday there was a cousin get together at Beth's, and Caroline's school project of a plaster mask was accomplished.

Actually, there are two Caroline's on the table, a Laura and an Emily.

Yesterday I went looking for a new header.

Plenty of sunshine, though this long shot obliterates it.

I like this one. Up it goes.


  1. You do lead an interesting life, I wondered what was going on with the straws up the nose.

  2. You do keep busy and younger no doubt with the young ladies around. Sure beats the rocking chair ;-) Although a nap now and then would be nice! Beautiful Fall colours in your area.

  3. GREAT photo. Those leaves are just screamin' FALL.

  4. Like the new header.

    National Honor Society! NICE!

  5. Glorious header..but the masks give me the heebie jeebies!
    Jane x

  6. So much news! And I'm lovin' it all! It's that mask with the straws up the nose that intrigues me.... I KNOW I'd have a panic attack with that... so..... did you ever get to take that nap?

  7. my mind is spinning at all you do., I took a brief nap of 6 minutes today and then loaded the kiln for the largest pieces I've ever done, nerves of steel are needed a lot in life.

  8. Such a beautiful header! That looked like an interesting project with the plaster mask! Not sure I would have been able to carry that off if I needed to make a mask from my face.


  9. Hari Om
    You were successful in your header-hunt... as was Caroline... though, like others, that is a tad too halloween for my taste!!! YAM xx

    1. Actually, the mask was a project in conjunction with a book they are reading, Fever, about yellow fever. I haven't read it, and don't know the connection. There was a lively dinner table discussion of jaundice and how yellow fever kills you.

  10. Nice photo of the autumn in your neighborhood.
    You probably did not miss anything at that meeting, anyway.

  11. I tried to sit down for a power nap the other day. One of the cats jumped up on my lap and started hitting beating me with his tail. I gave up, got up, and poured myself another cup of coffee to keep going.

    1. Sometimes I feel like my schedule is that cat beating me with his tail.

    2. Too funny! But when he stops that nonsense, he sometimes settles down for a 2-hour (or more!) nap and then I'm stuck!

  12. More power to the girls for being able to stand the plaster on their faces ... over their mouth ... aaaaaaaahh! I'm starting to feel smothered just thinking about it!!

    Congratulations to Emily!

    And beautiful new header.

  13. I love the new header. We don't yet have leaves that color here in Kansas. Just now starting to turn yellow. Last night's low was 41 and that is our lowest so far. I loved the picture with the straws up the nose and I certainly wondered what was going on. How fun to make plaster masks. We are pondering a fall picnic here. We had so much fun on our last one.

  14. Your new header is gorgeous.
    You do lead a very, very busy life. Missing that meeting sounds like a most excellent idea.
    Congratulations to Emily.
    When I was at school a collection of girls took plaster casts of their boobs rather than their faces. The boys were avidly trying to guess whose they were....

  15. I LOVE your new header!!
    The masks look great, I don't think I could ever lie still and breathe through a couple of straws.

  16. They are all beautiful choices for your header, but the one you chose is the brightest and happiest.

  17. Love the picture and National Honor Society? Can't wait to hear all about it as they continue to grow up. You have to be so proud.

  18. That is called a power nap.
    Senior pictures are ridiculous...cost and over the top.

  19. I was the victim for a demonstration of making a life mask like that once. don't know what happened to it. we did a different process with my son not using those plaster bandage strips but some sort of gel and then made a plaster cast of his face. it sits out under the eave of my house on a stand of sorts.

  20. Ah naps....gotta love 'em. Now you have me thinking I need to have update my header for fall. Thanks for the jolt.

  21. Making the masks looks like fun. I wish I had a guinea pig to work on. Your choice for the new header is perfect.

  22. Beautiful. I love this time of year....

  23. National Honor Society - great job by everyone at your place.
    Don't know if I could sit still for that mask.

  24. That mask project looks a little scary. Don't think I'd trust anyone with those skewers! Lol

  25. Lots of pretty leaves. How long till they dry, and don't the hairs on the face stick in the plaster.

    1. They covered their faces in petroleum jelly, so that peeling them off was easy enough. But, they had to lay still for 45 minutes!

  26. Wish I could give you some of my naps-they are not powerful,just necessary. My cat is a great napper and love him cuddled up purring.

  27. Your leaves cheer me up, and all the projects. Ditching the city council meeting was wise.

  28. Love the leaves! Great header. That mask-making looks like great fun!
