
Monday, September 28, 2015

Sparrows and snapdragons

This little sparrow doesn't venture from the front yard.
We think its eyesight is limited. Its feathers have never filled in or assumed adult markings.
It lands like a hovercraft, up and down until it senses somthing to land on.
It only uses the biggest feeder, where it seems to know it can be bumped along and still have footing.
When there is seed scattered on the porch, it cleans it up, taking seed from within inches of a human foot.
Here it is on the bird bath, contemplating.
(Less than adequate phone picture.)
I wonder if we'll see it in spring.

Earlier this summer the road super pointed out snapdragons in the lime bin.
White and purple.

They're really congregating now.

The tar kettle doesn't scare them.

Have I mentioned the road super is retiring at year's end.
My heart may break.


  1. His eye is on the sparrow . . .


  2. Always growing interesting stuff in that yard. Amazing that little bird can survive with limited eye sight.

  3. I have a fondness for sparrows. They are hardy little birds. I hope your little guy will flourish through the winter.

  4. Oh no about the road super is retiring; bet you are wishing you could also retire (but I know you can't). What a sweet sparrow; glad it found a home in your yard!


  5. Hari OM
    No you didn't...and oh dear... is there a worthy successor? Eyes-on for the sparrow.. YAM xx

  6. It is a good thing that you have the large feeding areas for the little sparrow. Did you know that if you gently squeeze the sides of a snapdragon flower you can see the dragon's mouth open and close?

  7. I hope the sparrow survives, but fear for it.
    Love the snap dragon. And hope if he does retire, you get a successor cast in the same mould...

  8. Having grown up in SE Ohio I always thought snapdragons would only survive in late spring... sometimes coming back the following year. It always surprises me to find some of my favorite plants not only blooming, but flourishing, at different times of the year.... your snaps are so pretty.

  9. Sweet little birdie...I hope he makes it through the winter.

  10. wonder if there isn't a bird rescuer who can help the little sparrow, hope you feed him through the winter. He probably can't find food on his own.

  11. I too have been watching a particular sparrow in my garden these last four months: one that looks thinner and more disheveled than its siblings and wondering whether it will make it through the winter. Similar thoughts uniting people from across the world.

  12. Poor little sparrow, I hope he survives and you see him again next spring.
    Hooray for snapdragons, I love them, although I've never grown any.

  13. Snapdragons are beautiful in the spring, fade in the summer heat but rise again in the coolness of fall. I am hoping that the little sparrow will have that same strength to get through the coming seasons.

  14. one year I spotted a male cardinal that had a speech impediment. instead of the clear crisp 'chirp' his call was more a 'thup'. I thought he would never get a mate but get a mate he did. I still see/hear him around sometimes or maybe it's one of his kids.

  15. I love all the birds in my backyard and hope they will all come back!!

  16. Your sparrow seems to be able to take care of himself in your yard. Does Purrl ever bother the sparrow? -- barbara

  17. You're breaking mine :(
    Actually I'm surprised (but happy) that the sparrow has survived this long. Predators usually notice when prey has any weaknesses. And you've made his life possible and even pleasant so far.

  18. As a kid I tried trapping a bee in a snapdragon flower. My sore thumb proved my thinking was way off.

  19. Sorry about the retirement. A good man/supervisor is hard to find...hope his replacement will be a fine person.

    Sparrows are such plucky little birds; I love to watch them in flight.
