
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sorry, Dad

My dad loved puns, and spun them mercilessly. I collected one recently he would have loved:

"There will be hell toupee."

Then I read Donald Trump "proved" he has real hair.

Sorry, Dad.


  1. A perfect example of how much substance there is to the man - or his campaign - when we're discussing his hair and not his views. (Not that I want to do that, either.)

  2. Hari OM
    ...and therein lies the pointer to a cover-up.... YAM xx

  3. Your politicians in the US look to be about as ridiculous as ours in the UK. Our Boris Johnson has so much hair that it is crazy and as Marty above says, it shows how much substance there is that we need to spend time disussing it.

  4. Very punny!! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  5. I wouldn't mind trying to part him from his hair...and preferably from his hair.

  6. I can't believe Trump. Just incredible that he is viewed as credible by some. Guess it doesn't bode well for politicians in general.

  7. Great joke! Maybe one of the comedians will pick it up and pay you a fortune for it. We can always hope.

  8. The cartoon is priceless!

    And the pun is funny, too ... and of course Trump's hair is real, no one would make a toupee that looked like that. Sheesh.

  9. I know how un-popular this will be.....but I don't find him obscene in any way. I haven't seen anyone else the Republicans can come up with!!

  10. Money will buy anything even the truth

  11. Love the pun.
    People have been locked up before now for publically admitting to their delusions...

  12. Trump has enough $$ to buy implants three or four times over. Have no idea why he clings to such a hair-do, unless he would be unrecognizable without it.

  13. Times like now it's so nice to just have radio.... No TV.... Let one's imagination provide the visuals.....

  14. My dad loved puns and spun them mercilessly.


  15. Looks like the contest may be between Trump and Kanye West now that H. Clinton's server has been milked.

  16. I bet the animal that he has superglued on his head wants to be fired.

  17. He stuck in on with super glue, and it =============nnnnmmmmqqqwww.

  18. I don't know much about Donald Trump, but I know he needs a new hair stylist.

  19. I hope Mr. Trump will withdraw when his job of stirring up xenophobes is complete. Perhaps then, rational campaigns may continue.

  20. I too was surprised to learn he doesn't have a toupee; since he stirs the pot so well that's probably why his hair is all messed up and there are many pots that need stirring.

  21. haha. Too funny. Loved that pun.

  22. I wasn't sure whether you meant that fur real or whether it was a brush with whimsy, but there may be a strand of truth in it, by a hair's breadth. OK, I'll stop now before I've gone through all the hair allusions with a finetooth comb.

  23. why do we focus on his hair. I think he is there to sir up the pot and he has done that. As my daughter says, "he is a hive kicker". Way toooooo early to put stock in anything anyone is saying. The press does amazing things to everyday happenings. Only in America. Let the games continue.

  24. good pun - but don't waste it on a narcissistic loud mouth like him.

  25. Love the pun, and Arleen's comment says it all!


  26. I sometimes wonder if politicians have to take up these quirks of style and personality in order to stand out from the herd - given that most of them are indistinguishable from each other in their policies and ability to NOT listen to their paymasters (us folks, regardless of which country we're in!)!
