
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Late summer color

Next year all my hanging baskets will be mandavilla
Yellow, pink, white and scarlet.
And one hibiscus.

Their blooms trail everywhere.

Lamb's gerbera daisy suddenly began blooming, just like last year.

The August lily hosta.

The foxglove's last stalk.

A patch of maple leaves.


The tree at the pond. Its leaves are covering the surface of the water.
The golf course grass is so brown.
Must be like playing through shredded wheat.

Purple finch.

 And, a picture not worth putting up, except I captured the finch in a tree.
They generally have gone before I find them, let alone focus.


  1. I never heard of mandavilla but it sounds so wonderful. If I find it here I will have those lovely flowers in my garden also.

  2. my plants are showing signs of perking up too with the cooler weather and we got rain. the tree at the pond looks like a corkscrew willow, the branches are wonderful

  3. So, so beautiful, Joanne, and your header is stunning!

  4. Such beautiful early Autumn colour Joanne. I have golden rod in my garden - I did try to eliminate it one year but it had other ideas and now it makes such a fine patch of colour that I allow it to stay.

  5. Oh, I love mandavillas! We used to have a white one climbing up from the garden on the bricks by the fireplace. And gerber daisies are great too...

  6. You captured the ending of summer so well. Your tree at the water was my absolute favorite.

  7. Hari Om
    Mandavilla is one of the glory flowers... I like your plan! It seems the golf course tree is a willow... and, boy, do I know about trying to focus the flutteries! YAM xx

  8. Love your colour.
    And the willow laying down its leaves as a blanket on the water.
    Yay for capturing a small bird. Soooooo difficult. They make greased lightening look slow and predictable.

  9. I had grand plans for my garden this Summer - I planted a lot but then because of our flooding I had to leave the house (and the garden) so I never got to see much, just lots of dried and withered stalks when I returned. :-(
    But thank you for sharing your colours with me! :-)

  10. Summers last hurrah always colourful.

  11. Sad to see all the beauty of summer go!

  12. Your garden is so lovely. Just popping around to say hi! Your Etsy link reminds me that one of these days I am going to order some stuff from you. Your tea towels are my absolute favourites. I can't say enough good things about them.

  13. Everything so pretty there and great shots of the birds!


  14. I like the mandevilla with its trailing flowers.
    Good capture of the tree finch.

  15. What's wonderful idea of putting the Mandevilla in a hanging basket. I always put them on a trellis, but will try your idea next year.

  16. Nice looking plants, very healthy.

  17. I keep going back to the maple leaves... isn't it interesting how the leaves on one branch will turn before the others? Kind of like a precocious child.... always a bit out of step....

  18. We purchased our first mandevilla last year, they are very lovely.
