
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

Emily from band camp. I borrowed this picture of them arriving at Allegheny College in Meadville directly from the band's Facebook page. This is Emily's last year at band camp, next year is Laura's first. 

Caroline and Laura back from horse camp. Astride their trusty mounts this morning, displaying their riding skills for Aunt Beth. Note the dust on their boots and the horse drool.

As the girls sat shoulder to shoulder and boots to boots on my sofa this afternoon, Toby appeared, full of joy at the reappearance of the last of the missing household members. He commenced sniffing Caroline's jean leg, then Laura's. When he reached the boots he was ecstatic. 

The debris on their boots, the dust, the horse drool, and, as the girls delightedly squealed, the horse pee, was better than the best catnip he's ever been offered. He rubbed and rolled, clasping their ankles for leverage, until the boots looked close to brand new.



And Grandma, back from Wisconsin, which looked like this for the entire week.
Pictures later.


  1. I'm guessing the girls had more fun than grandma.

  2. Girls on horseback. A fine tradition.

  3. Hari OM
    Oh Joanne it is lovely to have you back with us! Hope you did have a super week too, but clearly the girls did... and, by proxy, Toby too!!! Hugs, YAM xx

  4. Love those smiles.
    Toby brought back memories. One of our cats was sooooo excited by a visiting friend's shoe, doing his very best to insert his head and body into them, that she went out the next day and replaced them.

  5. never learned to ride proper, the girls look super and I am sure they are well accomplished in their riding skills.

  6. Girls and horses.,a match made in heaven... except for cats and whiffy aromas!
    Jane x

  7. Glad all got back safely, girls looked like they had fun, look forward to seeing your pictures.


  8. I loved band camp. Shh. Don't tell.

  9. So sweet Joanne. Those girls are certainly going to be well rounded.

  10. Welcome home - you've been missed. The horsey photos take me back to my daughter's riding days. I even know why horses drool - it's a good thing, means they are comfortable with the bit! Glad Toby had his own little good time :)

  11. Ah yes. Summer camp, horse camp science camp. My girls had them all and now my grandkids like yours are getting their turn. However, they are not relying on g'pa for a ride to and fro. Nice work, lady.

  12. Welcome back, Joanne! Your girls look radiant, as you will too, I guess.

  13. You must get such satisfaction Joanne from seeing them all so happy.

  14. Girls and horses... a good combination. I loved horses growing up, rode whenever I could, but never owned one. My daughter owned 2 and took riding lessons. Now she owns 3 and her daughter competes in cross-country... it's a natural progression... and teaches a lot.
    And my grandson's band camp should be starting soon. Grandkids... they may make us old prematurely, but they make us young at heart.

  15. Glad that everyone had a good time and you all made it home safely. Aw, horses, I think that was the first word our daughter said!

  16. Looking forward to the Wisconsin update!
    Great photos of the girls.

  17. welcome back! the girls look great! had my own encounter with horses this summer.

  18. Horse camp looks like it was fun!!

  19. It seems to me that all of you had a great summer vacation. Wonderful!

  20. Always nice to come home.

  21. Nice to be home again eh?
    Love the mind pictures of Toby rubbing and rolling.

  22. I love the horses, Joanne! Isn't it great to be home again? :)

  23. I love the horses, Joanne! Isn't it great to be home again? :)

  24. I love horses. It's been a while since I've ridden one.

  25. i just learned from a horse-owning friend here in town that for the past several years the clover is infected with some type of virus and causes horses to drool at this time of year. News to me.

  26. Both Band Camp and Horse Camp sound like great places for the girls. I imagine Horse Camp might have the edge though.
