
Monday, July 20, 2015

Framing the moth and the butterfly

 My sister called my attention to a swallowtail in the garden.
My first sighting of the year. She's seen several.

 Completely oblivious, I'm sure, a hummingbird moth is mining the same flowers.
Of course I had to try to photograph them together.

Neither one was interested in my objective.
But, not too bad.

The best I got.

Now here is a real mystery.
These can only be glads.
Where did I get them?
More to the point, why did we plant them last fall?
My biggest recollection of glads is my dad digging them up every fall and storing them to spring.
That doesn't happen in this garden.

Emily thinks they came home in a bag of bulbs from a very old garden in Peninsula.
Perhaps they have become accustomed to our winters.
Perhaps I was to save them to plant in spring.
Perhaps all the snow last winter protected them.
We'll see if they come up again next summer.


  1. Hari OM
    Who cares, be glad of the glads!!! They are such a 'happy' flower. Meanwhile, your shots of the flutteries are wonderful and brought a smile... YAM xx

  2. It is always nice to find a surprise in your garden.

  3. Yay! A mystery. You have some beautiful shots in this post.

  4. Good photo capture...they don't stay long or still.

  5. I had dahlias that were the same for many years. I never dug them and stored them. Too much trouble for me. But they came back every year for years! Alas, no more! Love your pictures

  6. Beautiful photos, and your header is stunning, Joanne! :)

  7. You did great with the swallowtail and the hummingbird :) I've noticed a few swallowtails here but haven't been able to get a good picture of them. That is interesting about the glads; but glad that they did grow!


  8. Glads?, I don't see any. Do love the flower in the header and cannot remember the name. Know that they are not hearty enough to survive over the winter. Bongevilia????

  9. Love the winged magic. And your garden.
    Volunteer and mystery plants are half the fun.

  10. I have no idea what butterfly I'm ever looking at is. Beautiful, no matter the name.

  11. Wow! I'm impressed that you got a photo of both beautiful creatures. The swallowtail has such a beautiful design and coloring.

  12. I always love seeing butterflies. We have a swallowtail here but it doesn't look like yours!

  13. great capture of the butterfly, I have never seen a swallowtail in my life.
    I passed a neighbour's garden this morning and her jonquils are blooming.She has about a hundred all massed in together, with about half in flower.

  14. I'm very impressed with "The best I got"!
    Jane x

  15. I have seen lots of butterflies but they are too quick here, but I did see a hummingbird moth and got his photo and was going to look up what it was and you have done that for me, beautiful photos

  16. I have seen lots of butterflies but they are too quick here, but I did see a hummingbird moth and got his photo and was going to look up what it was and you have done that for me, beautiful photos

  17. I haven't seen glads for years. I always associate them with the flower displays at our local agricultural exhibition which I haven't attended since I was a teenager. A beautiful flower. Hope they survive for you.

  18. This made me smile Joanne. I think we are all guilty of digging up bulbs and corms and putting them 'in a safe place' sure in the knowledge that we will remember exactly what they are. I have various piles at the moment - but do I know what they are? I think so but I wouldn't bank on it!

  19. Gorgeous photos! That flowering plant was a gift.

  20. Dear Joanne, the butterfly is beautiful! (And I know that it is not easy to photograph these nervous little creatures). In 'the olde days' there were swallowtails here in Germany, too - now they are extinct, so sorry. And, sorry: I do not see the moth.

    1. It is in the top left of the bottom picture and the bottom right in the picture above. This moth looks like a bee in leather armor to me.

  21. That's a wonderful picture. Aren't those hummingbird moths amazing? I was shocked the first time I saw one and looked it up to find out what it was. -Jenn

  22. I never know where half the things in my garden came from - or where others go. I think nature knows better than I do how to grow a garden!

  23. It's always great when something pops up and you have no idea where it comes from.

  24. They're migratory and may have come on their own.
