
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A non-fatal overdose of superlative

When I came to work this morning the road super had a big ole knife on his desk,

Watermelons on the lunch table,

And a picnic in the road garage.

The firemen brought the tanker,

and the squad.

They came on the train, then their buses brought them up the hill to the road garage.

The super poured drinks.

And now, if you're afraid of overdosing, look away.

Five years old.

Good little eaters.

Trash on the left, recycle on the right.

The fire engine, the fire engine!

Everyone hit the mud puddle on the way.

And I mean everyone!

The universal "form a line." Works every time.

I wonder if Mr. Blue Shoes is left handed?

Big step.

Then they went up to the museum, and went back down the hill to catch the train back.


  1. How cute!! Always enjoy watching little kids having fun like this!! I bet they had a fun day with lots of things to tell their parents at the end of it!


  2. I spend a lot of time around Firemen. I think they're great.

  3. That is a huge overdose of cuteness.

  4. Hari Om
    hehehehheheh..... in and out again. All good! YAM xx

  5. Visiting a fire station AND a ride on a train! What kid wouldn't enjoy that?

  6. Same as Rian. Both in one day is a big deal to five year olds. Mine would say, "it was the best day ever"!

  7. That's so cute. I love seeing children having oodles of fun.

  8. Awww.
    One of my great nephews went to the fire station for his birthday. And (with assistance) was able to knock down a road cone with a jet of water. A memory which I expect will last forever.

  9. What a wonderful day for those kids. I am sure you had a hard time choosing which pictures to post.

  10. An incredible day! Such precious little faces! That will be a day to remember for their lives.

    The knife on the super's desk was an excellent shot.

  11. That was a day of fun they should remember for a long time! Kudos to everyone who did what they did to make it such an event. The puddle for running through was a nice touch. ;-D

  12. Oh, I do feel for Mr Blue Shoes...I did that with my snowboots last winter.
    Jane x

  13. What fun. I've heard of putting vodka in a watermelon. That sounds delicious, but not for the little ones. They might enjoy a snort, though.


  14. Five years old, in those over-sized t-shirts, sitting in folding chairs. My heart swoons.

  15. Five years old, in those over-sized t-shirts, sitting in folding chairs. My heart swoons.

  16. I love the huge t-shirts. Here, children on a school trip have to wear plastic day-glo vests. I've always thought they must be very hot.

  17. so cute! five year olds are the best, most enthusiastic day trippers; especially when there are fire engines and watermelon involved.

  18. Lovely commentary and delightful photographs.

  19. why do they all have green t shirts ?

  20. I had a big smile on my face the whole time I read your blog! Actually, I'm still wearing a grin... it just made my day! Darn! I wish I had one of those t-shirts... I might even put my shoes on the wrong feet. Love it!!!!

  21. Oh I wish I had been one of them, love fire trucks and trains even more.

  22. Such a nice outing for those kids. Super idea.

  23. Looks like a great outing for the kids.

  24. Is this an annual thing? wonderful for the kids and the firemen. Wonder when that Mother of blue shoes will wind up at an orthopedist and wonder why the kid's feet turn out??? Ha Ha

  25. Replies
    1. I think this came together on the spur of the moment. Groups often call to see if their kids can eat lunch on our grounds for instance (and use the bathrooms!). Since it was supposed to rain the road super offered the road garage, then enlisted the firemen to bring some equipment from the station.

  26. Loved reading your blog. Everyone through the puddle. I bet they all had a fantastic time.

  27. What a delightful read, and lovely photos!

  28. This looks like so much fun for the kids! Have a great 4th, Joanne!
