
Saturday, June 27, 2015

3.5" of rain passed through

East window

Northwest window

 The outdoor water bowl--south side of the house

A birdbath in the oak tree

Puddles, puddles, puddles

World's coolest rain gauge looks a bit too smug

Down, but not out

Dripping wet

Five finch here, under the overhang, and  a goldfinch behind

A nosh before it begins again.

The weather maps show about as much more to come tonight and tomorrow.


  1. I love your rain gauge! And I saw a house finch just this morning on my way to pottery class. He or she was sitting in the middle of the road and flew off as my car approached. We don't see many of these around our yard...

  2. Hope you're not in a flood zone.

    1. I live on top of the hill. I've helped folks bail, down in the valley. The river is rising, that's for sure.

  3. That's a lot of rain, where are the ducks?

  4. Wow, that is a lot of rain! The people in California would be thrilled with it! So cute with the birds around the feeder :)


  5. At least we don't have to shovel it.
    Jane x

  6. Oh my.
    The garden is revelling in it, and I am glad to hear that you at least will be safe if the river continues to rise.

  7. Hari OM
    Wet... and then some... YAM xx

  8. I know you are being deluged but I like rain. That is why I liked living in Washington. It rained every morning. I suppose there are times that you get too much of a good thing.

  9. That's quite a bit of rain. We've had strange dry spells followed by downpours.


  10. Lucky you. I can't remember the last time we had real rain in London. Everything is parched and next week looks like being even hotter. Keeping things growing in the garden is quite a problem at the moment.

  11. Dear Joanne, I fine way of protest: taking pictures :-)
    Here we have a mixture of rain (quite unusual for Berlin) and 'normal' days with a bit of sun, but at least it is getting warmer.

  12. Woo-hoo! Rain! Did you get a rainbow after?
    I really like the outdoor water bowl, I think I'll try to find one for my little patch.
    Love the finches on the feeder, it's a very nice feeder too.

  13. Looks like a lot of refreshing happiness with the cool rains. Over here it's way too hot lately and not enough rain. There's drought on some of the islands too.

  14. That's quite a downpour. Love the hanging bird water bowl.

  15. I sure like that stone water bowl.... guess you don't have to worry about keeping it filled with all that rain. Doesn't that saying go.... "June showers bring July flowers"?

  16. Nice to see water for a change.

  17. Yep. That's pretty much us, now. The high today will be about 60. And Fourth of July is in just a few days?

  18. 3.5 inches is a lot. We were drenched all Spring and now that Summer is here, it seems to have abated. I'm back to manually watering my garden...

  19. I've been hearing the OH rains can stop any time now, please, but your photos illustrate the reality of it. Wow. I thought we had a downpour today, but it has nothing on 3.5".

  20. Amazing photographs Joanne - nodoubt about the rain!

  21. I am so sick of rain!!! Enough already!

  22. since we have had four years of drought, I'm a little hesitant to ask it to stop even though we are waterlogged.
