
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Standing in place, not moving

Elaine, at A Woodland Journal,
used to find fairy trees.

Trees with tiny doors, for fairies.

I pass this tree often, and decided it's a goblin tree.

Not a wicked goblin, but a mischievous goblin.
See him yet?

Actually, I believe he's rather benign.

Toadstools nearby for his fairy friends.

Here's a house on the same road.
The stones fascinate me (of course).
The low arch on the left leads somewhere.

So many stones!

Something espaliered along the brick wall.
These branches are spaced every few feet.
I'll keep an eye on them.

It is a beautiful day, after the storm overnight,
so I turned down Elm Street.
Every Midwestern town needs an Elm Street.
Front porch rockers:

Banner on the porch.
Don't miss the tree swing.

The postman.

I cannot pass the flower tower
and not want to stick my camera into it.

It's growing down.

Peonies ready to burst open.

The new allium are open and satisfactorily round.

And this is a mystery bulb.
There are quite a few, from the bag of a hundred assorted we planted last fall.
Multi flowers on a single stem. Yellow. No idea.

And, I am ready, with the doctor, to pronounce the radio frequency ablation
a complete failure.


  1. Cardiac? Sorry to hear it's not working.
    Your spring is further advanced than mine.

    1. Bilateral L2/3/4/5 MBRFA x1 with sedation.
      No idea what the x1 means. Probably the bit that didn't take.

  2. Hari OM
    OH noooo..... still with the pain, huh? Might be worth while stopping and having a bit of a chat with that Nature Spirit... for he surely has his eye on you too! Lovely series of photos again. Elm street is beautiful. YAM xx

  3. Mayhap he's a Gobblin', rather than a goblin? Love the idea of fairy, and Gobblin', trees.

    Grrrr on the radio ablation not working; are there any other options available to you? Sending gentle hugs and lots of caring.

  4. I don't miss my old home, but I do miss the front porch.

  5. I thought it a sure thing with ablation. Didn't know it wouldn't work. I'll tell my sister. Beautiful shots. We had a large oak, the base at least 3" in diameter with a hole that our duck would lay her eggs in. One time, a mean fairy got her. Nevertheless, during an ice storm, I woke in the night to a terrible sound and in the morning, the "witch tree" had fallen down. Hope it is just taking longer for the heart thing to work. My sister just went to a new cardiologist that changed all her meds and took her off some she'd been on for 20 years. Seems the new ones have new ideas.

    1. My back, not my heart. A bunch of crushed vertebrae, degenerative arthritis, whatnot. Don't stop your sister on my account. I had not idea where all doctors could use radio frequencies.

  6. Was the hope to get nerves to stop talking quite so loudly? I'm sorry you didn't get the pain relief you need. I hope something will work for you.

  7. Oh so sorry about the radiofrequency procedure; I'm sure there's not too many more options out there.

    I do love the goblin tree though; would be spooky to go by it certain times of the year!


  8. Fairy trees are fun. I used to see a lot of "The Old Man in the Tree" trees in Michigan but I have only seen one since I moved here. The old man always looks like he is in pain. Fairies on the other hand will be having fun.

  9. I am so very sorry that the ablation was a failure. Other options?
    And very grateful for the beauty you shared.
    My father talked about bunyip trees. And his bunyips were NOT benign.

  10. The third photo of your goblin tree clearly shows the profile of the goblin on the left hand side about 3 feet above the ground. I actually thought that was the part you meant until you took more close-ups. Weird.

  11. Love the houses, I often think porch rockers would be nice to have. Your flower tower is looking rather spectacular.

  12. Great looking neighbourhood lot's of different looking places.

  13. Ah, the magical stories which can be woven around fairy doors - the grandchildren love them! The houses look wonderful, I am suffering from porch-envy. Harry would adore the goblin door and the tales of mischief.

  14. Love the tree......I always seem to find figures in the trees.

  15. A bunch of us made a fairy house in a park here a few years back; I made a set of tiny windchimes!
    Oh dear, I really hoped that you would have some pain relief, Joanne.

  16. What a fun post. From a goblin tree, past artistic stone structures, then around the corner past stately historic homes and a mail man that actually walks the route, ending with flourishes of beautiful colors. this is a great post! -- barbara

    1. I felt like I was in a Dr. Seuss book. Porch rockers, a tree swing and then a postman on foot. Of course! It was on Elm Street.

  17. What a fun post. From a goblin tree, past artistic stone structures, then around the corner past stately historic homes and a mail man that actually walks the route, ending with flourishes of beautiful colors. this is a great post! -- barbara

  18. I am sure that goblin is hiding in that tree to bring you good luck Joanne.
    OH And how I love your Solomon's Seal header.

  19. I like the stones.

  20. given what you can see in tree hollows, I can only imagine what you see in the clouds.

  21. I have always wanted a house with a porch and rocking chairs. And a goblin tree with fairy toadstool.

  22. I would love to have a front porch with those white rockers. And I need to make me a little fairy door on my tree outside. I think that would be so much fun!

  23. I'm sorry to hear you are still having pain after the procedure, Joanne, especially since you had to jump through so many hoops to get it done. Does your doctor have anything left in his bag of tricks?

    Beautiful photos. Our flowers are only just starting. And my garden is tiny - you have so many plants.

  24. That last line hits hard. Damn.

    Good on you for focusing on the bright colors that surround you. Still: UGH.

  25. I would move into that red house with the banner and the tree swing in a heartbeat! Speaking of heartbeats, when I saw ablation I immediately thought of your heart, but I see you mentioned your back. Either way it sucks that it didn't work. Hope they figure out something else.

  26. The 2nd from the bottom, purple blooms on a stalk we call "Peter Pan Lilies" or agapanthus (sp?) Need lots of sun, water, etc.
