
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spring saved me

We finished off the dandelions that thought they could live in the raspberries.
Then Laura planted the sunflower seeds Carol sent.
Pretty soon they will be nodding over the raspberries.

We went across the road to liberate more plants from the nursery,
and did not see Emily, who spent much of her day in the geranium greenhouse.
Everyone who helped us knew her, however.
Of course.

And, that's the whole story.
We came back and started planting.

Two new sedums, two new cone flowers
Hung up some baskets..

Oh, and two more Canterbury bells.
Simply cannot have enough of them.


The flower tower.
It's only the second of May. I think two or three weeks and it will be a tower of flowers.

And some color.
Next year it will be a total riot of color,
But there's plenty to look at this year.


  1. I love this time of many pretty flowers. I grew up interested in gardening. Sadly the gene didn't pass on to my daughter.

  2. It is looking wonderful - and will only get better.
    My supple as a brick self really admires Laura's planting posture.

    1. Amazing, isn't it. I sit on the garden stool and bend over. It involves repositioning every weed or two.

  3. Your flower beds are beautiful and I love the tower of flowers. I love spring, summer not so much.

  4. The flower tower has power!

  5. Hari OM
    Bloomin' gorgeous!!! (...and yes I saw the puppy too &*>) YAM xx

  6. So colorful and green grass!! Lots of hard work that pays off in beautiful efforts.


  7. it is coming along nicely. I acquired quite a few plants over the last two days myself. now I'm faced with the same dilemma, where to plant them.

    1. as in the same dilemma I always face when I acquire new plants. I buy, then figure out where.

  8. Spring is wonderful as the colour brightens the days :-) I love the tower.

  9. So lovely, Joanne, and your header is striking! :)

  10. Your garden is so welcoming. I know you enjoy it.

  11. It's looking so pretty now. I'm thinking of sedums myself. They're great in dry areas and that's what I've got.

    1. And the hummingbirds and butterflies and bees love them, too.

  12. Your garden is coming along nicely Joanne. I love those anemones in the last photograph - they were my mother's favourite flower and I am always reminded of her when I see their vibrant colours.

  13. A tower of flowers leading to a tower of blooms. Lovely.

  14. i wish you could come and do something with our yard....

  15. I started planting yesterday but am nervous about it being a little too early. The official day is Mother's Day, and although the temps are in the 70's, old Mother Nature is not reliable and has been known to play tricks on us. However, I, like you, want to believe and it felt mighty good to have my hands in the soil again.

    1. I am so, so counting on complete cooperation this year. Or, back to the nursery to replace the stock that wasn't as tough as those of us who survived this past winter.

  16. I just checked the forecast. We are going straight from an arctic winter to eighties and nineties next week and the rest of May.

  17. Gorgeous. I, too, like colors in my garden.

  18. the tower of flowers is wonderful, soon to be, if only, my knee may never be the same so I can only get dh to plant what I want to see in the garden, I have a feeling it's going to be a long hot summer.

  19. Your garden is beautiful. Well done to the workers.

  20. Merry Meet I stop in from the cow jump over the moon. Nice looking garden and at this time a few of my tulips are in bloom. The deer loves them.
    If you have time stop over for some coffee.

  21. Your flower beds are WONDERFUL! I love the tower of flowers. This makes me really want to get busy in my garden

  22. Love that flower tower, and like you said, it will soon be transformed to a tower of flowers.

  23. It's beautiful, including the peaceful worker with the sun on her long hair. Something of an antidote to your horrible computer virus problems.
