
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Not the hair she left home with

Mrs. P, her art teacher, says "That girl has some spice in her."
She certainly does know what she wants.
Laura explained what her new hair would look like,
and I thought, worse case, a short hair cut will solve all.
So, before:

Holy moly!

I asked her if she got exactly what she wanted because she explained so carefully to the hairdresser, or because the hairdresser did such a very good job.
"Both,' she replied.

I am looking forward to Mrs. P's reaction at art class tomorrow.


  1. Wow...that is amazing.

  2. Looks nice. You and I really NEED it so we would look good. Oh well.

  3. Looks really nice. I am sure her teacher will like it too.

  4. Looks great, those color jobs aren't inexpensive I imagine.

    1. This one was very inexpensive; the hair dresser did it to pass her exam; Laura was the head that was used.

  5. Lovely kid. I've raised scads of them and their decisions about personal appearance are always right.

  6. That is stunning - and so very stylish.

  7. Lovely hair color and simple but absolutely beautiful haircut -- barbara

  8. It looks very nice, neat across the bottom and "naturally" sunstreaked.
    Exactly like my girls each summer.

  9. I think it looks very nice too. I think the art teacher will be quite impressed.

  10. Very impressive - be thankful it isn't green or pink. So that is what all the young people are having done when I see them in my hairdressers with various bits of their hair covered.

  11. She looks absolutely stunninger -if that's a word!

  12. My daughter's hair is a similar color and texture, although, in the Summer, she gets pretty honey blonde. When she goes in for her 6 wk trim, I am always so relieved that she doesn't come home with it pink or blue. She has commented that it might be interesting.....and I am careful not to show my feelings on the matter for fear of making the option more appealing to her.

  13. Hari Om
    OMW she got her 'moneys worth'!!! That would have been prohibitively expensive so well done her for getting the modelling gig; and I am guessing the 'dresser' will get pretty decent marks for her efforts! YAM xx

  14. it looks great and streaking long hair is not easy.

    1. Jia's mom did hair for 18 years in another state, then took a break to be a mom. She's brushing up to pass her Ohio license exam, but I'd have to agree, she knows her business.

  15. Looks great, very natural. She'll probably want to keep it and that will cost a fortune. LOL

    1. This will be such an interesting journey with her. She has a very good sense of personal style and now she has hit upon the bit that will cost a lot of money. I'm interested to see how she tackles that.

  16. That turned out very well! Laura really has beautiful hair. And a great smile.

  17. green or pink??? Very nice.

  18. I like it. Nice colors.

  19. Wow! She has such beautiful hair, and the streaks accentuate perfectly. Long hair, too.

  20. Stunning's my word too - I'm sure her art teacher will approve.

  21. I'm trying to think of all the different color combinations my girls went through back in the day. The oldest, now 40, currently is Lana Turner Red, the youngest is for the moment to her natural dishwater blonde, but has had several magenta shades in past years. I've always viewed it with bemusement and what I hope is good humor and support. It's their hair, it's at worst temporary, no big deal.

    1. My oldest daughter has beautiful steel grey hair. Perhaps it is pure white, now. It started turning when she was 16, and it immediately disappeared from public view. We saw it for about a year, when she was nursing, and then magenta, again. She's just 49, and will not have white hair.

  22. in addition to the cost, someplace along the way, one must consider the risk to damaging hair-a living thing. looks cute for now, however.

  23. It looks like she may have added some nice low-lights. She has beautiful natural coloring, so she'll still look very pretty when it grows out.


  24. She looks sunstrewn and beautiful! A top result!

  25. I keep thinking of "The Gift of the Magi" and wondering how much she could sell that hair for...

  26. The highlights have certainly brought out the beauty of her hair.
