
Friday, May 22, 2015

Battle of the seasons

Pig's nasturtium has a bloom!

Mom's chive pot.

The bed of pinks and the new allium bulbs, finally blooming.

The scent of the pinks is glorious!

I forget what this is called.

Of half a dozen iris, only this has ever bloomed.
It has two blossom buds; this one grew straight down.
No idea what is going on.

From the flower tower.

More Solomon's seal and the early allisum.

Raspberries coming on!

And pig's nasturtium wrapped up.
More frost tonight.

Have a good and safe holiday weekend.


  1. Spring is sure sprung around your home.

  2. nice pics too bad flowers can't read the paper

    1. I did notice pig got the obits right in his face.

  3. Your flowers look lovely, Joanne! I'm very impressed with your gardening skills! I'd even be happy if I could borrow your green pinky! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


  4. Your photos are gorgeous, Joanne! Spring did spring here in Montreal, then we had a couple of hot and humid summery days and was almost like winter. The heat is on tonight at my place; yes, it is cold! :)

  5. Those pink flowers are so pretty! Funny, spring, yet frost!


  6. LOVING your garden. Thank you for the generous and inspirational share.

  7. They're actually called Pig's Nasturtiums? Is it because pigs eat them?

    1. Pig is the little concrete fellow behind the pot. Some years he has pansies. Last year he had begonias. This year he got a left over nasturtium from the flower tower.

  8. That's a clever use of newspaper to keep frost away. I'll remember that tip. I've been using upturned empty flower pots.

    1. And staples, too. The papers can go back in the recycle with the staples, so it all works out.

  9. Ms Joanne, you are one of the most interesting bloggers I have run across in the last year or so. Thanks so much for sharing this part of your life with the rest of us!

  10. Your bed of pinks is just beautiful!
    I'm imagining the smell wafting into your home.

  11. Hari OM
    I swear I could smell every one of them!!!... What a plethora of plants. Enjoy them this weekend!!! YAM xx

  12. All your plants are so lovely. After all the work you put into your garden, how nervous you must be about a possible frost.

  13. Frost. Harumph! Not impressed...I think we may hove lost our apples for this year...I'm too afraid to look.
    Jane x

  14. looking good. the plant your forgot the name of...maybe phlox? and what is the white thing in the tower?

    1. I think the white flower is called snowtopia. Thanks for the phlox; all I could put on the tip of my tongue was bachelor's buttons, and I knew that was wrong.

  15. Damn, I love nasturtiums and forgot to plant any this year. That will be rectified.

  16. We still have nearly a month of frosts to do, but flowers are up and things are yard is getting mowed today for the first time since October.

  17. I love how you covered the plant for the expected frost. I will copy your idea if I need to in the future!

  18. I will be stealing your idea for covering plants from the frost as well :)

    I used to use an old piece of cloth but it was too heavy for the plants. I always have lots of newspapers on hand, though, and stapling them like that is the bees' knees.

    1. One year my daughter who lived in another county while we had her children the first time wanted to plant tomatoes in our garden. She started 80 plants, in the only place big enough, my sister and brother-in-law's bedroom. Spring seemed early that year, and wanting his bedroom back, my bil plowed and planted 80 plants. The plants were ready to go, having been started too early. Then, he went on the road (truck driver). My sister and I looked at each other during the week, over the forecast of frost. My bil in called from the road in a panic about "his" tomatoes. We had stacks of newspaper, but no way to hold it down, until I thought of the stapler. Out we went in the bitter cold to make hats for eighty tomatoes. In the process my sister fell and tore her meniscus. The whole affair was so typical of my daughter's schemes.

  19. I was wondering about the iris. I thought you had some sort of new breed until you explained that it was growing down.

  20. Forget me not? i can only name the weeds.

  21. I have several yellow iris that have popped out of nowhere. Not that I'm complaining.....

  22. Your garden is lovely! I love iris. Maybe I will go and cut one or two to have in the house.

  23. You certainly have a green thumb as evidenced by all those blooming flowers. Nice pot of chives! -- barbara
