
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Last week of April!

Things are looking up,

and looking nice.

I like walking by and seeing 

all the new anemones this year.

We gave the house a lick and a promise before Emily went to work,
and Laura and I dispensed with plenty of dandelions.

When we could stand it no more, we went to see what is in the nursery now, beside pansies.

And look who we found, deadheading pansies.

Check the boots!
Another job our working woman has is to make this front walk look attractive in the morning,
and cover the plants over at night.

It's still too early for anything, but we did scrounge two plants for the lettuce tower.
Nasturtium and creeping jenny.
Come back next week.

We're down to two bird feeders, and hung the two bird baths.
Next week I'll stop at a pet store and buy a box of gravel to put in one of them.
Let's see if I can keep them out of the road.

 American goldfinches above,
and a male and female purple finch, sharing with a cardinal.
Now the bigger birds have thinned out the cardinals use the hanging safflower feeder.

My flying pigs!

The pig got a nasturtium.

And I brought home some color for the front porch,
Even if I have to cover it at night.


  1. the pig looks happy

  2. Nasturtiums are one of my very favorite flowers.... they smell so lovely. And I'll always think of Portugal when I see them now... hillsides just cascading with the vines, the flowers and the intoxicating aroma. As for the boots... they're much more domesticated than mine... I wear boots that belong in a barn... or worse ;-)

  3. Yup, the front walk looks very attractive,as do the boots.
    Jane x

  4. All I planted were some pansies, and the rabbits are deadheading them all. I didn't know there was such a thing, or that it was a good thing.

  5. Your new header is strikingly beautiful, Joanne. And all the colour in the pictures brightened my day. We appear to be a few weeks behind you in springishness.

  6. Love the birds that come to visit! I think its neat Emily has worked in a variety of places, she's getting lots of good work experience!! Such pretty signs of spring in your part of the country!


  7. Loved all your pictures. It will all be so beautiful as things begin to grow. Makes me want to get out there and do more myself this week!

  8. Working in a nursery sounds like a really interesting job...all those lovely smells and pretty colours.

  9. Lovely to see things up and blooming at last. I like the little goldfinches, they're so bright.
    The lovely orange in the basket, last photo, what is that please? it looks familiar, but I can't put a name to it.

  10. Hari OM
    First - FABBY new header... second Happy Pigs are good pigs.... third - I LUUURRVVV nasurtiums - they are brilliant addition to salads. Flower and leaves and of course the seeds make into capers.... oh yeah all that and beautiful to boot. That anemone is a winner though.... YAM xx

  11. Stunning new header! Yes, yes, flower time has begun.

  12. These anemones are beautiful! You must be at least a week ahead of us.

  13. oh your flowers are so lovely and vibrant, and love the gold finches

  14. looking good. we may think spring will never come but it does.

  15. Indeed things are looking up. I love the activity that comes with Spring. Enjoy.

  16. It all looks so lovely! I am busy with dandelions myself ..... I call them damn-delions!!

  17. The plants and flowers and birds look very nice. Happy May coming up.

  18. The opening anemone is beautiful. Wish i had been there before the dandelions began to bloom. I got one batch before they flowered and they were the best ever. Delicious beyond belief and wish you were here to enjoy them. you would have loved to eat them for lunch. Next year-maybe. Once they bloom they are bitter. You are a wonderful photo taker. Envy you. Did get my hummy feeders up tonight. Last year, the first one appeared on; May 1st. Want to make sure they are on my circuit as they head north.

  19. Your header really "pops," beautiful. Such a large garden right up to your house where you can either work or just sit and enjoy. Your girls are great workers. Your feeders are certainly busy places. -- barbara
