
Monday, April 6, 2015

A shortage of color

We've done some yard work.
Our biggest mistake last year--not getting rid of all the leaves.
We did make a sweep of the yard last fall and move all the errant crocus and anemone bulbs.
However, my chipmunk friends replanted some over the winter.
I wonder if, like a hobbit hole, there are storage rooms off the main tunnel,
and this purple crocus came up from there.

Another front door.
I think chipmunk holes are bigger than mole holes.
But, I don't know.
At this point I have no animosity toward either.

So much left to clean up.
I see a couple of weekends of hand and knee work ahead for two young women.

Now, about the lettuce tower.
Lettuce plant flowers this year!

Here's what I'm thinking:

Top pot:
Portulaca and nasturtium

Middle pot:
Trailing lobelia
Black eye Susan vine
Million bells

Bottom pot:
Burrow's tail
Creeping Jenny
Trailing clematis

The only flowers in at the greenhouse now are pansies.
I need to return at the end of the month.
There is plenty of time to change my mind about anything,
Except portulaca, nasturtium and snowtopia.


  1. I know that garden will look great in a couple of weeks.

  2. I'm hoping that there'll be regular lettuce pot reports.
    Jane x

  3. That's interesting with the pots with what you are contemplating planting in them. Good exercise with garden/lawn preparing for the young ladies :)


  4. Sounds better than lettuce....except you might want to rethink Nasturtium in the top pot as they will probably cover up what’s below.

    1. OK, they can go in the bottom pot. But they must be included.

  5. We'll have radishes soon and rhubarb pie next week. I've planted a few flowers, but there wasn't much choice yet at the nursery. I love the idea of a lettuce tower. So far the deer haven't found our lettuce and if I harvest the entire crop now, I'd have a nice dinner salad! I love spring!

  6. Hari OM
    top planting choices ... I adore nasturtium in particular.... crikey, what a difference a couple of weeks makes! YAM xx

  7. Your garden always looks amazing.

  8. You put much more planning into your gardens than I do. My mother used to plan hers too. I guess that is why my flowers are so sparse.

  9. Ooooh. I am so looking forward to photos as it grows. Mind you, I am pretty certain that bulbs move. We don't have chipmunks, or moles but bulbs pop up each year far from where they were planted.

  10. Cleaning up the garden after winter is so much work. Having willing granddaughters to help, priceless.

  11. We have a shortage of color too. An old pumpkin rolled in the yard from under the trees. A squirrel had tunneled through it. There. Color.

  12. I like the idea of the stacked of pots. We've got Sweet Williams and tomatoes started in the greenhouse.

  13. stepping stones are wonderful, floral tower just the ticket.

  14. "Lettuce" all smile at Joanne's delightful pun :)

    We are still 18 inches of snow away from being able to find the ground, let alone plant anything in it!

  15. Oh yes Joanne - those of us who are lucky enough to be experiencing Spring weather are all planning the Summer garden.

  16. I had to look up a couple of those. it should be very pretty.

  17. I like your lone crocus. As for gardens, we've more or less given up on them here. With the drought, it hardly seems worth the effort... in the end the 100+ heat kills it all. But I still do hanging baskets of herbs out front. The heat gets them eventually too, but they're less work.

  18. I haven't been able to get back outside my house. I have a toe that is so sore I cannot stand shoes. But I am aching to start planting flowers. And to move the house plants outside!

    Smidgen Snippets & Bits

  19. I love it when crocus pop up in unexpected places. We've had a couple of days of glorious sunshine and the gardening chores are accelerating here as well - I don't mind though, I love things growing.

  20. Can't wait to see your cool planter with that mix -we just put out pansies- they will probably last here until mid June

  21. I love portulaca! and you've just given me an idea.
    Looking forward to seeing your tower in full bloom.

  22. I look forward to pictures of your tower later in the season. It should look great.The pots are very attractive.

  23. I love the idea of that last tower of plants. I intend to steal it.

  24. I need some young ladies here to do hand and knee work!!
