
Friday, March 27, 2015

It's not spring until the last snowflake falls

As I traveled down into the valley to work this morning,
snow was falling.

Falling on top of the valley, too,
when I came home.
Caroline and Laura.

We were given assurances of safety equipment
when packing up to visit happened.

Laura has roller blades, of course.
Caroline has an articulated two wheel thing.
Remember I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate?
That's the locomotion for Caroline's board.

Snow on the pig.
Snow on the toad.
It's not spring, yet.


  1. Hari OM
    Snap! We had another fall of the white fluff yesterday too... though today is more promising again. Not putting up the boots quite yet... at least yours cleared enough the girls could use their tiny wheels!!! YAM xx

  2. I wonder when your spring is going to come. I really do. July? :)

  3. People make the mistake of welcoming spring before they have said goodbye to winter. It happens every year.

  4. My niece got married... ourdoors.... in SE Ohio on April 4 a few years ago... in about a foot of snow! Talk about wearing white! Surely your snow will stop soon!

  5. Spring is the biggest flirt of all the seasons I believe.
    I hope she settles down with you soon. Settles down and makes YOU comfortable.

  6. Winter's last gasp.

    Well, ONE of his last gasps, anyhow.

  7. It just keeps wanting to hang on, doesn't it? Let's hope it melts fast.


  8. This winter weather will outdo last year's for dogged determination.
    Jane x

  9. I have done well all winter in this cold NE ohio and use the layering method of dress. With such a cold winter, I have not felt cold-until yesterday. For the first time this winter I did not open all four of my bedroom windows last night and even the down comforter couldn't seem to warm me up. I think it is the up and down stuff that is going on. Bulbs continue to pop through the ground so will stay covered like the pig and toad until I know it is truly here to stay. NEVER went to an Easter sunrise service in anything other than boots, winter coat, gloves, etc.Believe that it will be true this year also.

  10. It's fifty-seven degrees at 10:21 on March 27th. That's chilly for us. If it doesn't warm up, I will have to turn on the heat for Willy Dunne Wooters because he thinks he's going to freeze to death. My oxymorons had roller blades when they were younger. I don't know what Favorite Young Man did with his. The Hurricane let her dog pull her around until she landed in poison ivy and had an allergic reaction to it. We went to the doctor. She got a shot. She put her roller blades under her bed. I don't know where they went when she moved to California and I moved to Florida.


  11. A "rip stick" and I have know idea how they do it!


    1. I looked it up. Rather complex vehicle.Caroline is still mastering the shimmy.

  12. Flakes of white stuff were floating around this evening. Time to hibernate.......again.

  13. Because we are six hundred feet above sea level we sometimes get snow as late in the year as early June - luckily it soon goes though.

  14. The good thing is that this snow will melt quickly!

  15. Saw where you were getting hit with snow again, it's just cold here. Hope we don't skip spring and jump into summer.

  16. I remember roller skating as a kid and how much I enjoyed it.

  17. I'm tired of it!!! It was 11 degrees this morning. Pffft.

  18. Our summer time begins at 12 midnight - the clocks go forward and we lose an hour in bed. And it's grey, cold and been raining all day, but we're quids in - we haven't had any snow.

  19. Your photos are beautiful, Joanne!

  20. Your photos are beautiful, Joanne!

  21. Snow... I do not miss that white stuff any more! After living on the north for ten years, having snow tires on since early September to late May I actually had my first winter with NO SNOW! I hope spring is just around the corner.
    Evalina, This and that...

  22. More snow?? I wouldn't have thought there'd be any left in the heavens by now.

  23. Oh shivery. I've never been a fan of snow even after living in Scotland for 26 years. I don't envy you at all.

  24. There was snow in Chicago this past week too. What the heck. It's spring, for goodness sake!

  25. March and April are sneaky months. I don't trust them one little bit.

  26. I find those shimmy board thingies so intimidating to even contemplate stepping on. Not a daredevil here!
