
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

If you had to choose between coffee, chocolate, or Scotch eggs, which would it be and who would you have it with?

Question five and a half from Jacqueline at Cheapskate Blethering. Hop  over to see her contest.  

Coffee. My friends could have anything they wished. All leaning in around the table, sharing good time stories and bad and in between.

I’ll celebrate with people who spent those twenty years with me. Linda, for eating pizza and drinking beer on the curb in Rochester, and sharing the cheapest room in town at many a show. Ann, always game to  get on a plane from Wisconsin to help at a show. The only person who could navigate me through Louisville.  Beth, who slept all the way home from any show.

My sister Jan, who said to me, in the very beginning, and these are her exact words: “if we’re going to do this together, we might as well live together.” It was getting old, forty five miles up or down the interstate to work out problems.  We turned in our old homes, found this perfect studio, and joined forces.

I see more than coffee is being served. The tea drinker has opened the wine. That Scotch egg is growing on me. It needs a good porter. I wonder if chocolate suits?


I found a picture of Sue, being mauled by Fiona, one of our Cairns besotted by her. It’s posted on question 5.

Although I have no pictures of the jacket from hell, Linda does, and also sent a picture of her mother Alberta, in the longer version of the jacket. You remember Alberta, with the famous garden. The jackets are posted on question 4.

Finally, many thanks to Jacqueline for organizing this; it has been a fun week. 

Our mother, Lenore Lytle.
We lived here only a few months when she came into the studio and said "Teach me to weave."



  2. had to look up what a scotch egg was, I guess I'd choose that since it's the most nutritious, then chocolate and last coffee although I drink coffee more than I eat eggs or chocolate, lol

  3. oh I'd have it with dh or my sister, dh doesn't drink coffee, says he's not old enough and my sister doesn't drink coffee either,

  4. Definitely Coffee... and maybe a tiny bit of dark chocolate... and of course with a good friend. Not sure what scotch eggs are. If we could have anyone (living or dead) I'd like to sit and have coffee with my brother one more time.

  5. How sweet your mom wanted to learn how to weave :) It did make sense for your sister and you to live together if you were going to work together like this :)


  6. Hari OM
    A well earned break at the end of your 'interrogation'! Being allergic to coffee and a vegetarian, it leaves but one choice this side..... what a shame....

    Bravo to Lenore! YAM xx

  7. Coffee, and by myself as I am no fun until I've had my cup o joe.

  8. Coffee with a friend is one the great pleasures of life.

    Your mother looks like she is having great fun!

  9. I choose chocolate with someone who likes coffee instead.

  10. Coffee, with H.I. as usual. Long may it continue,

  11. I'd take the Scotch Egg... and I'd like to be in the UK enjoying it ;-) (love the pic of your Mom... that's great!)

  12. It's a family affair! I love the photo of your Mom, what a beautiful smile. =)

    Joanne, thank you for this, it's been a fun week for me as well and it's been wonderful learning more about you.

    Gee, JG wanting Scotch eggs... isn't that a surprise! LOL

  13. Coffee...but not many people I know like it.

  14. Coffee please...but I see there is wine open!
    Jane x

  15. Hot chocolate for me and anyone else at the table can choose as they please.
    Nice to see your mum also weaving, did she just learn the process or did she make something? Did she learn the entire process from spools of thread to finished product?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'd chose coffee too! And I am now off to learn what a Scotch Egg is.

  17. Chocolate always wins over everything.

  18. I saw your previous photos. I must say that jacket looked very pretty.

  19. coffee with some real cream, lots of cream.
    Maybe some Godiva dark chocolate truffle.
