
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Two treasurers-for-life and two weavers meet for lunch

And there were only three of us.

Linda was in town today, and she and Pam and I went for lunch
at Fishers, 
where a topiary is turned into a snowman.

Linda moved in for a closer look, and I smiled as Pam moved discretely out of  camera range.
She's much younger and prettier than the two old weavers.

Pam was Treasurer for Life of the Peninsula Area Chamber of Commerce
for the ten years after I held the title for ten years.
I'm thinking a bit longer for each of us, since the chamber had its beginning in 1990.

Interesting how we jump in because we have something to add,
then one day it's time for new blood.

All the sidewalks were lined with luminaries, I noticed on my way to work.
A lot of luminaries, up both sides of State Route 303, across the bridge, around corners.

Pam said at lunch tonight is the Chamber's annual 
candlelight walk, and she is a luminary lighter.
A lot of lighting.

An hour ago I asked Emily if she wanted to go look at a small town tradition.
I took my camera.

Not my tripod, not my gloves, but my heart was in the right place.
We talked about small town illusions on the way home,
And cheered for the people walking past the luminaries,
Bags in hand.

A picture from a couple of weeks ago, back from a training session,
wearing her official Boston Mills, Brandywine uniform.
The season has not begun, but when it does it often does not end until March.

Here's a cat who would tell you what to do with ski runs.


  1. I can barely see the cat. He looks cozy. Please forgive the correction, but the lights are luminaires, or if you prefer Spanish, they are luminarias. Luminaries are famous or celebrated people. It's a very common error--reinforced every Christmas. Most newspapers probably don't get it right. During my reporter days I had to fight for the correct spelling because of a co-worker who thought we should change the spelling to fit what the average person thought it was. Oi!


    1. I never knew. And now I can correct away, too. Thanks!

  2. I love lights in darkness. The luminaries add a nice touch. xx

  3. Cat is so cute in the blankets :) When we lived in Santa Fe, on Christmas Eve on their Canyon Walk (which was a long street of stores) they had luminaries lit; so festive to walk in, people singing Christmas carols, shops opened handing out hot chocolate or cider, candy canes, etc. We also lived on a street when we lived in Montana that did luminaries on Christmas Eve in honor of a child that had died years before but loved them, so every year the street would repeat the custom. It was fun to make and light the luminaries along our driveways :)


  4. wish I could have stayed for the lighting tonight. Love these and for many years did hundreds of them in my small town here in Ohio as well as NYS but used empty gallon milk jugs. we had a good day.

  5. What a beautiful young lady! She looks like her training agreed with her.

  6. Love the cat, the quilts and the lights.

  7. Love the topiary snowman and I agree with that cat. What better way to spend a winter than snuggled in an ocean of quilts.

  8. Hello Joanne, I will call you Joanne here as it is your blog, I visit your blog in silence sometimes so it is not that I don't visit. I like the topiary snowman. And your cat in the textiles. And the smiling child. Of course.

  9. Wonderful photos of the topiary snowman, your friend, the luminaires, and the cozy cat! Glad you had a fun outing with the girls!


  10. What a beautiful smile she has! My SIL's in Scotland are trying to figure out how to do luminarias there; with all the damp, bags don't work very well. Don't think they got it when I said old bags are usually tougher...

    I've been checking out your etsy shop and dropping Xmasy hints... hope someone picks them up. ;-)

  11. We have some of these paper bags with cut out stars lit for Jess's hot tub 21st birthday last December & again this Halloween.
    Lovely photo of Emily.

  12. Hari OM
    I have yet to see any lights right here. Rumour has it we do have famous folks though... The short hair suits Emily I have to say! YAM xx

  13. Love the snowman topiary...what a cute idea. As for the ski slopes....I'm with the cat lol.

  14. Make some room for me ,Toby,I feel the same way about snow.
    Jane x

  15. cute idea for the snowman and I'm with the cat. ski runs and snow in general are to be avoided. I guess Emily is over her snit if she went walking with you.

  16. Now Joanne: I hope that the pink scarve around this lovely topiary snowman's neck isn't the one I ordered from you ! :-) (On the other hand: then you can add the certificate: frost-proof)

  17. Lovely photographs of your town Joanne. Love the cat too.

  18. That cat looks like he knows what to do in winter, not too much snow, stay warm, if I knew how I would send you some lovely warm sticky heat we have lots right now.

  19. Cats always do the right thing. Just ignore everything else and think of personal comfort. Good for you Toby, the master cat.

  20. A very happy cat, satisfied with its lot in life. A wonderful walk through the town--I am envious.
