
Friday, December 12, 2014

Grade A

It has been grey all week, with cardinals for relief. Not gloomy, however.

Laura's last classes have been Clementines.
Next time they will mount them.

I took a picture in Mrs. P's kitchen, but it was blurry, so I went into her room for a better picture.
It's the same, without the smiling face.

Laura, in her jazz attire.
The jazz ensemble did several numbers during the concert Wednesday.
I couldn't go this year; I had to go to work.
There's another concert the end of January. Pictures will be taken.

Emily, who smiles on command.

Just waiting for Grandma to end the photo shoot so she could sit in the top row of the bleachers and listen to the concert.
I do recall last year I swore I would never again sit in the bleachers for anything.

You know who showed up to weave, just as I sat down to work on the red towels.
He is crossing the two inch wide breast beam.
You can see where he struck off cross country and got his foot out of the quicksand before I could say anything.
He did disturb the fell line a bit.

It's been a decent week.
Grade A.


  1. I hope there are many, many more Grade A weeks to come.

  2. Grade A... and homogenized.... the best kind!

  3. Any event that draws a g-ma to sit on the bleachers is worthy. Praise God for Emily and for you. I don't know about Cat...

  4. Hari OM
    ...unless it's triple A... but let's accept the brilliance of A alone!!! YAM xx

  5. Smiling faces, art work and happy kitties....sounds Grade A to me.

  6. Wonderful art work. I see artistic abilities run in your family :-)

  7. Colored pencil? She's doing well. Cats. Always think you obviously need help.

  8. Bleachers suck the big one. I am now one of those little old ladies who brings a seat cushion with me....

  9. I brought a sit upon type thing for two hours on the bleachers.

  10. My gosh, I do remember you talking about the bleachers from last year; doesn't seem like it is possible it is a year already! The cat could be a great asset with weaving :)


  11. Just comparing with the photo of the girls in your sidebar...they are both looking very grown up now!
    A tea towel needs interwoven cat hairs in my opinion!
    Jane x

  12. Bleachers, no, no, no said the lady whose back is slathered in Ben Gay this morning.

  13. Laura is GOOD. Start laying in frames to finish up her work for the walls!

    Cats - always interested in arts and crafts, dang it.

  14. Wonderful, Joanne - you can be proud and happy!

  15. So sweet of Toby to help you with the weaving.
    I love Laura's Jazz tie!

  16. How happy those young people look Joanne.
