
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Don't bleed on the goods--another old lesson

Emily graciously wound bobbins yesterday, and in four hours we had a hundred turn warp on the warp beam. About fifty yards, I believe. I didn't keep track last time, as I should have.

There it is, thirty eight inches of twenty ends per inch. 20 epi, in the parlance.
It's also thirty eight inches to throw the shuttle, substantially more than the twenty inch towel warp I just finished.
Across a warp with no race on the bar.
Well, I used to throw forty five inches and not think about it. Just keep the tip of the shuttle up when it's released.

Before another warp goes on that loom I will get a man in town to build me a proper spool rack.
If I knew who bought the two we sold, I'd be knocking on their door.

Another old lesson:

Don't bleed on the goods.
In the old days, when someone rushed to the bathroom, clutching a bleeding digit, the rest of us in the studio chorused after, "No bleeding on the goods."

And old skin pierces far more easily.
I did that on the thread guides, and became much more careful when I had to work around two bandages, too.

This morning, counting the ends in each bout to be sure all were there, I looked through the loom and found myself under the watchful eye of the supervisor.

The view through the heddles, ready to begin threading.
I like the curl of the cotton behind the wire heddles.

Half done. I quit about three quarters done. Tomorrow is another day.
I promise, if I encounter any more old lessons I will save them up.


  1. That supervisor is really taking his job seriously, lol. I'm sorry about your bleeding skin. I didn't realize that weaving was so hazardous. Hope you are enjoying what you are making now. xx

  2. Aging skin does tear more easily and it's slower to heal. Give the supervisor a pat for me.

  3. Your supervisor gives me a chuckle.... so stern! so regimented.... I think he/she is Mother Kathleen, my 8th grade teacher reincarnated.

  4. Love the supervisor.
    Take care of yourself.

  5. Those eyes will spy out any malingerers for sure.

  6. Hari Om
    Cripes, anything which raises blood has to be classed as "X-treme"!! ... why has the cat-o-nine-tails entered my head? YAM xx

  7. Such a cute supervisor you have! I would imagine you need to keep band-aids close by, just in case!


  8. The supervisor looks very serious, even if he is probably more interested in meal breaks than in the work.

  9. Am glad to see that you are happily weaving. I hope in my next life that is something I get to do! Have been crocheting and knitting my whole life, but never, unfortunately, had much exposure to looms. The only time I even encountered serious looms was on Madeline Island when we were in WI. I am too old this time around😥! About the thin skin and the cuts. I discovered Nexcare bandages at Walmart. I like them so much that I might have a lifetime supply! They are clear, made to be applied with one hand, and won't come off until you take them off. Really waterproof. Not bulky, either My 2-year-old Yorkie likes to play; alas, I pay a price! I have not been paid to advertise, but the thin skin needs all the help I can get.
    Look forward to "watching" your weaving!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm a lifetime knitter and crocheter, too. I actually learned to crochet with a size 14 hook and 50 DMC, 5 cord, so I could crochet lace on garters I made for my friend's wedding. Long, long time ago.

  10. So glad to see you in the weaving business. you were the continue to be the best ever. Do I have your spool rack? Always keep a roll of masking tape to stop the bleeding onto the weaving. your work is wonderful and always will be the best on the market.

  11. I sit, agape, as I read these weaving posts. This is a whole new world to me--trying to learn the language!

  12. "Don't bleed on the goods.'
    That's very good advice, no matter what you might be working on.
    Leather in a shoe factory, knitting baby clothes at home, peeling one wants that extra splash of colour.
    Toby makes an excellent supervisor.

  13. Fascinating. Thanks for posting your progress with your weaving. Your supervisor looks unimpressed, though. Yes, don't bleed on the goods. That goes for quilters too.

  14. curious, did you mention it, but what made you go back to weaving again, old loves never die?

    once when I had my lavender farm I cut my thumb with a hand held electric shear and ran in the house to wash it off but since harvesting has to be done very timely I just taped it up and went back to harvesting thinking i could always go to the ER and get stitches later. When I finished harvesting I looked at my thumb which was cut quite deep and it was already starting to heal. I was amazed and then I remembered that lavender essential promotes healing and has been used by medics in the first world ware, I was amazed. I suspect bleeding on cotton would be much more serious than bleeding on lalvender however.

  15. oh wondering if you have ever weaved with other materials other than cotton, linen, silk, hemp, and can knaff be used in weaving?

  16. Watch out for that supervisor. He/she looks a hard task master to me!

  17. Can you wear thin gloves?

  18. You seem to enjoy this type of work. Keep going.

  19. Joanne, this reminds me of the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty - she she pricked her finger with the spindle. Don't do that - take care!

  20. Ow ow ow! I didn't know weaving was so dangerous! :) I like your feline assistant!

  21. Don't bleed on the goods - that's ALWAYS good advice!

    Fascinating stuff.

  22. Hazards of Handweaving! Remember when the Bureau Workers Compensation was having a hard time rating you because all they could find in their lists were looms that used to suck off childrens' fingers during the Industrial Revolution!
