
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I'm exhausted!

For Ellen, to resolve the orientation.
Standing in the living room, looking through "the little hall" into the bathroom.
Boys! I spent plenty of time moving their stuff to make a path into my room, on the left.

OK. All I'm showing you is today. Day twelve!
Sean by the window, fooling with sink plumbing.
The sink is in the shower.
The shower door directions are in Eric's hands.

Don't miss the cubbies on the right of the shower.
They are the only storage in the entire 6'x8' bathroom.
Twelve of them, floor to ceiling.
The canvas totes to hold bathroom detritus are due any day.

The sink is on the vanity; we have water.
Up front, Eric has some of the door frame installed.

We have shower doors.

A little piece of construction magic that fascinates me.
Eric holds the molding inside out against the wall,
makes a mark, makes a cut,

And has right angle molding, like on the other side of the shower.

Inside the shower. You've seen this before, but not with the doors on. Changes all the angles.

The mirror.
I had a chat at supper with the two lovely young ladies who brush their teeth at this sink.
It is not necessary to look in the mirror to brush one's teeth,
and the grandma expects to see no more toothpaste splattered on the wall.

Finally, they were done.
Wonderful men; fabulous work.
My turn to putz.

Sheers, and reclaimed curtains I wove fifteen years ago,
for the old bathroom door that had a window.
I cut these down.

Purple towels.
Lots of treasures. 
Split oak wastebasket came from a show in Illinois.
Old couple, he ran the machine to split the staves and she wove the baskets.

This clock was in my kitchen in Mentor; I've had it since the late seventies.
It has no glass.
Every grandchild has removed its hands at least once.
Most left them on back of the toilet, but some put them in the wastebasket, so I wouldn't notice.

The beadboard behind the toilet goes to the ceiling. My only statement.
The purple tank topper is a sample Beth made for a rug she wove many of.
The pattern is dog paw; though we affectionately called it puppy toes. 

The toilet paper holder came from an art show in Virginia, the first time the grandchildren lived with us. Becca twisted my matchy, matchy brass tp holder until it broke.
This one spoke to me, so I bought it.
Who knew.

Tomorrow two bucolic water colors by a friend go on the wall, and that's all.
I'm too tired add one more thing tonight.


  1. It all looks absolutely lovely.....a palace for a queen. Say...could you have that toothpaste discussion with my hubs?

  2. Joanne, it looks gorgeous!
    When can I move in?
    Jane x

  3. thank you Joanne! I love the beadboard, I love the color. I love the purple towels. I wish I had glass doors on my shower/tub instead of the curtain but the window molding is in the way.

  4. I've never seen a shower surround that looks like beadboard. It looks very nice in your renovated room!

  5. Looks great! Now can you come over and do my bathroom :-)?

  6. Woo Hoo. It looks wonderful. I feel your joy - and your exhaustion.
    And that discussion about teeth cleaning needs to be held world-wide.

  7. Gorgeous, gorgeous. I would go and burn my bathroom if only Pepto Bismal tile would burn.

  8. How very cool! Nothing makes a house nicer than a spiffy bath. Enjoy!

  9. I love it! It all came together rather nicely! Enoy!


  10. It's looking very lovely, I like the nice restful colour of the beadboard.
    We short people don't have that toothpaste problem, we can't even see ourselves in the mirror, let alone get toothpaste on it. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A great end result, well worth all the mess. Sorry, I posted this twice so had to delete one message.

  13. Hari OM
    Oh Joanne, it is truly beautiful...I envy the walk-in shower!!! YAM xx

  14. This looks magnificent....... between you and EC, the Great Scot and I are getting some great ideas for our bathroom renovation!

  15. Looks gorgeous and I love the paneling. Nice colour. I really need to redecorate.....doggy grubbiness everywhere!

  16. grab bar and a seat, wonderful, hand held shower head perfect, you're getting there, nice touch in the toilet paper holder

  17. The end justifies the means, the mess, and all the trouble. It looks great, Joanne! I especially love the bend bead board and the colors you chose. Well done.

  18. Finishing is the best part! I love purple, and nothing in my bathroom matches. I prefer it that way!

  19. Absolutely gorgeous! I love those lavender towels.

  20. Wow, it looks fantastic. Don't know what it cost, but it looks very expensive. By the way, one does have to look in the mirror to brush one's teeth. Thank goodness my husband does the mirrors.

  21. Looks wonderful, these guys did great work.

  22. Very well done in a small space. Love the lavender and how neat that your TP holder fits in!

  23. Fantastic! It looks very elegant! I bet you're glad it's all done, now? ;-)

  24. They've done a fantastic job. Love it.

  25. Elegant and timeless! I want that room in my house!
