
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Three days of week two--the bathroom

Make it snappy; they're back and I'm in a hurry to leave!

Monday, sub-floor and wallboard.

Monday evening, my friends, the nightlight and the toilet.
It's there.

Tuesday morning.
Sailor take warning.
Snow by Friday.

Meantime, back in our cozy bathroom and little hall,
Mudding and skim coating the walls.

 Serious sanding going on here.

And lots of venting.

Tuesday afternoon.
Jim's goal for the day, lay the tile.
This is a little demo to show me I really didn't want my tile long way.
You can't make a 6' x 8' bathroom look like anything except a stubby bowling alley.
Width wise it is.


"You can't walk on it," Jim and Michael both said, and for fun Michael crossed the duster in front of the door for the night.

This morning I found one of Toby's leaves on the tile.
Don't tell him what to do!

Wednesday (today!)
Priming the walls.

The bead board!

Treatment of the shower riser.
This was the whole Plan A, Plan B shower plumbing issue.
Instead of sitting on the floor with a three inch lip the base is on a three inch platform, so the shower drains properly (for the first time in 26 years).
To sit on the floor the drain needed moved, but where it needed moved to is a heating duct.
Old houses!
No grout in yet; that will happen after the paint.

Michael installed all the bead board today.
There was an emergency run to the lumber store, as you can tell.
My toilet has been reset, again.
Jim's stockpiled wax rings, just for me.

Jim says they will be done Friday,
So Good Night all
Until the reveal.


  1. I like the tile!! I bet you'll be glad to have it all done!


  2. Lots to do. Soon it will be all over and done with. Hurrah for you :-)

  3. I like the tile. Are you serious about snow?


  4. That is looking fantastic already! Snow? Did you use the 'S' word???
    Jane x

  5. I'm afraid I would need my plumber to have all those wax rings stockpiled, too :)

    Looking good. Keen to see the reveal!

  6. So exciting to see something come together.

  7. I know you'll be happy to have the job done.

  8. Can't wait to see it all finished.

  9. How very, very familiar. And our tiler put a broom across the door in exactly that way.
    Fingers and toes crossed for you. Bathroom bliss is nearly there...

  10. Hope it all goes well, Joanne. Love the cat and morning photos! :)

  11. Nearly there and it's going to be gorgeous! Snow? What is this snow you speak of??

  12. I love the floor tiles and that cute little night light. it's going to look so lovely when it's done.

  13. Replies
    1. I'll answer in case Joanne doesn't see your question, River. Wax rings are put between the floor and the toilet to provide a watertight seal. Since Joanne's toilet is being put in place each night, the contractor needs a new wax ring every night.

  14. So exciting to see it all coming together! Love the floor tiles. Snow???

  15. Hari OM
    Looking good! Here's to timely conclusions and perhaps a delay on the snow... YAM xx

  16. This is just lovely Joanne, I bet you can't wait to get using it.

  17. The bathroom looks lovely - and you will be oh so pleased when your shower drains properly!

  18. Gonna look great and even better it will function like it should have.

  19. So much commotion in the house when there's construction going on. Bet you can't wait for it to be finished! Waiting for pictures of the finished product...

  20. Don't you love it when your imagined look for a room is transformed into reality by good contractors. Such creative talent is needed to work with older houses. I've owned old houses in the past and marvel at a worker's knowledge when they turned what I perceived as an insurmountable task into a fairly easy one. Good post -- barbara

  21. it's going to be wonderful when it is finished. in the city, my bathroom was about 6' x 6'. the standup tiled shower took up half the space, the toilet and sink the other half. we had just enough room to stand between the sink and toilet with shower door on one hand and the door into the bathroom on the other. I have one of those lithopane night lights too. Mine has a solar system motif.

    1. This bathroom is so small I cannot find a place to take a picture.
      I love the night light. It is cast porcelain; a block print artist despaired of making a living for several years and supported his family with the night lights. One of the last years I saw him at St. James he was carving a beautiful scene of jazz artists jamming in New Orleans. The next year he was selling prints at St. James and grinning from ear to ear.

  22. You will reap the benefits of your patience. I can't wait to see the finished bathroom.

  23. I found it thrilling to have a new shower room put in where before we just had a tiny box room , it was like finding a new room in the house.
