
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Help me figure this out

Daddy gun,
Mommy gun,
Son by another marriage gun
and two little guns.

Daddy gun,
Mommy gun,
Gun for another mommy,
Two little guns.

Menage a trois 
And two little guns.

Two little sons of three big sons a guns.

Three big hunters, couple of back ups.

I don't know. The light's green, move on.


  1. Definitely a departure from the innocuous little stick figures most people have.

  2. Oh dear. At least they don't have pictures of the things their guns bring down.

  3. I'll be looking at the car in front of me more closely in future!

  4. What happened to " Our kid is honor role" stickers?

  5. obviously a well armed keep your eyes averted and carry on truckin'

  6. Who knows. Might be best to not know.

  7. we saw one the other day and had to look closely cause it looked like they had tens and tens of little uns, not guns, but little ones, but then we saw it was cats, lots and lots of cats they had.

    reminds me of years ago - remember when they had those yellow signs "baby on board" that looked like road signs for the back of cars

    one day I was driving to work in Sacramento, CA and a pickup truck was in front of me (warning this is sick humor) I saw something on the back of the pickup and drove a bit faster to see what it was. the guy had a large baby doll (naked pink one) nailed to a scrap piece of wood on his camper shell exterior. I laughed like crazy all the way to work even though it was rather sick. maybe you had to be there.

  8. I was confused until I saw the photo.


  9. hate to see those cars with genealogy. It's like the days when parents put their kids name on sweatshirt..Only give predators more info.

  10. This reminds me of Montana when it was not unusual to see rifles in backs of trucks and dead deer in beds of trucks. Took me a little to get used to it though.

    here we just have lots of stick figures with soccer balls


  11. The traffic lights in that photo...I don't recall when I last saw ones like that (of course I am talking about Montreal).

  12. No idea. Out here I just see stick people with dogs or cats, sometimes dogs and cats and once, a pram.

  13. I don't like the stick figures, but I don't like this even more!

  14. "Armed to the teeth" - I don't like that, because, you know: "An open door may tempt a saint."

  15. Kinda reminds me of the time I came home just furious... told Bill someone had a bumper sticker that boasted "I club my cat". I mean, who'd brag about beating on a kitty?. He asked me how it looked.. I said it was the word "I", the playing card symbol for "club" and the words "my cat". He started laughing... said I don't play cards much... that was the symbol for "spade". Oh... I spade (spayed) my cat.... As for the gun symbols... who knows?

  16. On the one hand anyone with nefarious intentions upon approaching this truck might think twice. On the other hand I get somewhat nauseous at the reminder of the outlandish proliferation of "guns" in our country particularly in light of the impossible task of getting hold of all the illegal ones.
    Not having grown up in a family where guns were a natural thought or fact I know I have a different perception of this kind of display and what it means. Still makes me wonder and worry, though.

  17. Everyone has an assault weapon, how nice, only in America.

  18. Patience wore thin by a stop light. Last seen heading South. -- barbara

  19. I agree with Should Fish More.

  20. Yep. Keep them ahead of you at all times . . .

  21. Things to do while sitting at a light...this was original.

  22. Reminds me of a sign I saw the other day on the back of a truck which looked like one of those "baby on board" signs, but instead it said, "Adults want to live too!"
