
Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The season has changed, at last.
A new header of some favorite trees.

I've featured this tree in other seasons.
I like its bones,
And set out today to get its picture from the center line.

Cars, of course, don't care for the plans of an old lady with a camera.
I parked in an access road and settled for using the long lens.

Another picture, waiting for cars to pass.

And another.
Squirrel nest in the upper left.

 It's not really cold yet, but the wind has plenty to say.
Pig's impatiens succumbed to the frost over the weekend.
Lamb's gerbera blooms on!

The last bit came in the mail today.
Thread guides.
Off to warp my loom;
I'm saving Fanny's story to tomorrow.


  1. I didn't know squirrels made nests in trees like birds do - always thought they used hollows in trees. Huh. Ya learn something new every day! Aren't the deciduous trees gorgeous this time of year? Looking forward to the promised story re Fanny.

  2. Our weather is up and down like a fiddler's elbow,but frost saw off the tomato plants at the weekend.
    Oooh, I spy an oak tree!
    Jane x

  3. I'm pretty sure you can put a sign on the road warning "Slow down, old lady with a camera ahead!"

  4. We just had our first real rain since early July, very unusual for rainy Northwest Oregon. I am looking forward to fall colors but not the cool temps.

  5. I'm seeing pictures of the fall colors in SE Ohio on Facebook... must be about time for the "killer" frost there... your area is similar enough to make me homesick. The smell of burning leaves (maybe folks aren't allowed to do this anymore) and the sound of crunching leaves underfoot is kind of an exciting time.... and yet a time to slow down and gather in. I kinda like the idea of putting up a sign like Joeh suggests :-)

  6. You have some lovely colour.

    1. You do! Much better than Michigan.

  7. What one won't do to get "that picture! You got some very pretty pictures though.

    We are not as far along with fall color as you. The only ones that have changed and fallen are th yellow leaves of the Locust and the brown leaves of the Sycamore - all over my lawn. The prettier ones should start coming next week.

  8. Hari OM
    Not so much beautiful colour here yet - mostly just yellow. Well-boned trees are always worth playing chicken for... yaaayyy, nearly onto the first weave of the newly acquired loom? Exciting. YAM xx

  9. Fantastic pictures, Joanne. I'm glad you didn't have to get squished to take them too. Can't wait until you unwrap the bag of Crystal Meth.

  10. Love your header picture as well as the other pictures of the fall trees! Thanks for sharing your fal lwith us in Southern California that don't get fall like this! I look forward to Fanny's story.


  11. Looks like a nice country road. Do you guide the thread or does the thread guide you?

  12. Cannot believe the beautiful fall colors in NE Ohio this year..No need to travel to NewEngland or anyplace further East. It is all here. Wish i could come and help warp Fanny.

  13. I love the new autumn colours header! Such gorgeous contrasts.
    Nice to hear the loom will be up and running soon.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Beautiful! Have I mentioned that Fall is my favourite time of year?

    I received the beautiful socks today. I can't wait to give them to my mom. I will be posting a blurb on my blog in a few days (I did about the tea towels too) :-)

    Look for something in the mail in the next 2 weeks or so. I have to wrap it first and find my way to post office. Big hugs. xx

  16. "Cars, of course, don't care for the plans of an old lady with a camera."

    I love that line.

  17. Your photos have just reminded me that I need to go to Greenwich Park to admire the autumn colours.

  18. That tree does have great lines. And you have a great eye. Always love seeing things through your camera!

  19. Your autumn pics are beautiful. Your area seems to have lots of trees that turn beautiful autumn colors. Here in the NW we have mostly conifers so we don;t get that blast of color that Ohio gets. Enjoyed --- barbara
