
Sunday, September 21, 2014

The colchium report

Only two years ago Dad's "air blooming lilies" were crowded in a weed infested bed by the porch.
Moving them was part of the great garden makeover.
They had multiplied so in thirty years that every shovel full brought up half a dozen bulbs.

We replanted hundreds, and gave away a hundred or two more.
They are all reported to be blooming now.
Some have been through adventures.

At least two friends set them aside
And later found the persistent little bulbs exploding from the bag!
One sent me a picture.

 This is the second year in the new home in the garden.
They get along well with the woolly thyme.

And the yuccas.
There is no stopping yuccas, either.

The chipmunk nibbled the first crocus up,
But now there are just too many to keep up.

Many of the bulbs have doubled.

A colchium abundance.

Pig still has his impatiens.

This week's towels. Natural.
I find I don't like them as well as I thought I would,
All texture and no tone.
So utilitarian. So Shaker.
But, it is what it is.

And I picked out a cone of colchium to finish the warp.


  1. Such pretty flowers!

  2. Towels look beautiful.
    An interesting thing about these bulbs (colchicums) is that they contain something called colchicine that has the effect of doubling the chromosomes of plants and make them bigger and faster growing. So for instance the huge lilies that exist nowadays are the result of colchincine!

  3. The flowers are so pretty and plentiful! I do like the picture of the towels, but I would imagine "in person" they come off looking a little different.


  4. Hari OM
    I love the colchicum... and absolutely nothing wrong with utilitarian!!! YAM xx

  5. The flowers got me fooled...they look so delicate , but are obviously determined little devils.
    Jane x

  6. The flowers got me fooled...they look so delicate , but are obviously determined little devils.
    Jane x

  7. Ooh and ahhh. To both the plants and the towels.

  8. More beautiful towels! I've never heard of colchium... the flower or the color... something new for me. I don't think I've ever seen an autumn blooming crocus.. I guess instead of a harbinger of spring they are telling you winter's on its way.

  9. That looks like something I might could grow! I like the towels, too.

  10. Love the picture of the colchium growing in the paper bag. they look very happy in your garden too.

  11. As always, your flower beds are beautiful.

  12. The colchiums look great! I've decided my bulbs will go in the ground to multiply next season.
    Might even get some colchiums.

  13. Your thumb is greener than mine. Love your pig, had one like him in the garden, but he has fallen on hard times.

  14. We call these 'naked ladies' Joanne. I love them - they spring up in the most unlikely places.

  15. they are beautiful. the towels too. such hardy bulbs. I'll have to find some for here.

  16. Your dad would be so happy to know that his flowers live on in the gardens of the next generation. I treasure all of the perennials that have been given to me over the years by family and friends. When I see them blooming, I am reminded of them. Good memories come back.

  17. Lilies that bloom in the fall? Just shows I don't know Jack about flowers. Is there a Jack flower?

  18. I love your neutral colored towels. Do you sell them? I am thinking of Christmas already! Love your blooming lilies (?) too -- love their spirit of survival. --- barbara

  19. Now you have me wondering about fall bulbs for my little garden area. The blooms on everything else are long gone. Will have to look into this before next spring!

    I like the colour (or lack) of the towels, myself. Some of us like neutrals, what can I say :)

  20. lovely little lillies. I like plain !

  21. How beautiful. We call them autumn crocuses. They don't flourish here like they do in your part of the world.

  22. Those Lilies sound amazing. Your friends are lucky.

  23. I think the crocuses look lovely against the green of the yucca. How nice that you were able to share so many of them with others.

    I really like the texture in the natural coloured tea towels also. I received my happy, red tea towels in the post today. They are gorgeous! I will put them to good use. Thanks so much.

  24. My colchiums from your bag last year and now in 7 bunches and will need to be thinned and shared shortly. I call them Lytle Lillies and yes, it is amazing to have something in full bloom right now. My towels are shared between the drawer, the counter and the washer/dryer. I call them, Joannes'
