
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Where to park?

We've had three "storms of  the century" the last fourteen years,
the last two this very summer.
This is where a loop of the river comes close to the road in Peninsula.
The first "storm of" earlier this year undercut the bank almost to the road.
The village was able to buy one load of stone,
a construction company donated load after load of fill dirt, 
disaster averted.
That crack is how far back the fill went.

Another "storm of" and the bank is further undercut.
I did not step over the crack to take the picture.
If you look way up the road you can see an orange sign.
That's where the road becomes the responsibility of the county.
But back here the 670 residents of the village must shoulder the cost.
Or close the road.

This is what your federal government can do when the river undercuts their precious towpath trail, half a mile north. Money talks, or at minimum turns into fill gravel.

A golf course is across the street from the river in the first two pictures.
It is acre after acre of row after row of trees, mostly spruce.
If golf interested me, this probably would be interesting to get around.
But, I am fascinated by the row upon row of tree trunks rising from the very lovely lawns.
The early morning light is beautiful.
I'm trying to find a place to park and take some pictures.
I've been looking around for that parking place for a couple of years, now.

Along the road down to the river,
a lot of late summer color.
I parked in the boy scout camp driveway for this set of pictures.

Up in the air, a first hint of fall.
I walked back up the road to track down this picture.
Hooray for my viewfinder!

And when I finally got to town to take the pictures I set out to take,
I found this blossom poking through a gate.
I wonder if it said, "You can't stop me from running away." 


  1. Such a pretty picture of those flowers blooming in the field! So green there! You are adventurous to get out there to get the pictures you want to get :)


  2. I guess you should be safe from big storms for at least 200 years.

  3. Thanks for taking the time and effort to take the photos of the damage, repair and the persistent flowers that continue to bloom no matter what. Weirder than usual rain storms here too. A lot of flowing mud and a lot of grain farmers in trouble with the lack of dry weather for harvest. One benefit--no wildfires in the neighborhood to smoke up the skies and destroy forest and range land.

  4. Sounds as if the village is experiencing similar problems to many of our small towns here. There have been a few already who have given up their town status - they just can't make it financially any more. And there are more and more who are looking that direction. Part of the issue here is that provincial responsibilities are being downloaded onto towns and counties. Another part of the issue is out-migration of taxpayers. The towns and counties just can't cope.

  5. All too familiar, particularly in the country here too. I can remember one council which filled pot-holes in the road with dirt and gravel and put a sign up explaining why.

  6. Dear Joanne,
    that have been many storms you had to endure! Lots to repair. I love the photo of the stubborn flower - keep on fighting, it says.
    As to 'Where to park?': Sunday a friend of us was too lazy to walk 1 kilometre to a posh café in Berlin, were we met. Later he mailed us: "I had to pay 8 Euro for the parking garage - urrgh." (I think he will take to walking now -- so much healthier :-)

  7. I love blossoms that poke through fences and gates. They seem more adventurous than the rest of the flowers.

  8. that bank definitely needs that rip rap rock to hold it back rather than dirt which will just continue to wash away in high water times. lovely photos, we have had lots of portends of an early winter here.

  9. Can you send the county the bill?

  10. It has been a very expensive year for towns (and cities) because of the wild weather. Hopefully, Mother Nature will be kinder to us this coming winter.

  11. that gravel looks more like big rocks to me. even that will be washed away. the only thing that holds banks together is trees. perhaps some black willow planted there after refilling would keep it a little more stable.

  12. Joanne - similar story over here - the dreadful Spring floods we experienced were caused by many years of waterway-neglect and a lack of regular dredging by the 'official' authorities (although 'they' will never claim responsibility!)

    Loving your pictures of the shrubs and trees - inspired to stop 'thinking' about taking the camera out on my walks, and get on and 'do'! Thank you for the metaphorical 'kick up the pants, J! ;-)

  13. How do you make such glorious headers?!

    Nature giveth, man tries to cut it in pieces, and nature gets even.

  14. Isn't it interesting to have so many storms of the century? Kind of like trials of the century and weddings of the century.


  15. Hari OM
    What delightful offerings yet again; the park-like golf course definitely warrants further investigation and the yellow flowers are just ..soo... happeeeeee.... &*> YAM xx

  16. Joanne, it is totally unfair that the cost of repairing your road should be landed on the residents. Who ( I wonder) strategically placed that orange sign just to suit themselves. Your flower pictures are lovely. Is that a white bindweed flower poking through the fence? Bindweed is prolific here this year. The white flowers look so pure and innocent, but what a nightmare to eradicate.

  17. Wow that rain is powerful stuff-your pictures make me so sad to see summer ending

  18. Where I live it's the county that has the rural roads and the "city" takes care of the town roads. The city has more money because they have a lot smaller are to take care of. Our county roads are full of potholes.
