
Sunday, August 24, 2014

I am so pleased

Yesterday the big peony was in the highest end of the garden, and Aunt Laura's iris were holding their place in the center.

But it was the day to accomplish my next to last move in garden makeover. Uncle Tom and I hoisted the very large peony from the ground and gave it a new home by the other peony, way pack there. Now there is a dense stand of peonies. Part of the plan of giving weeds no place to grow.

Then the wheelbarrow load of iris went to the way back corner of the garden. I call it the swamp, because my swaying water lily and the brass cattails are in the center of all.

We went to the store to buy more Canterbury bells to fill in where all the daisies way down on the left would be removed to fill in the peony space. And daisies to fill in the daisy patch in the old peony patch.

But, I could not get past the hibiscus. And my granddaughters did not restrain me, although we passed on the white hibiscus, too. Too much statement. We bought five more Canterbury bells, but daisies to finish off will wait till next spring. Or, maybe next week. Perennials are on sale, now.

Planted. Next year the lettuce tower will hold cascading flowers. Already cleared that with my sister. And the object d'art wisteria trellis is home to a climbing white rose, already four feet tall and set to rise above all.


More watering, and admiring.

I am so pleased.


  1. I have a hardy (native) hibiscus next to the deck stairs. No matter what the weather it never fails to bloom.

  2. Looking good. Beautiful hibiscus. Looks like one of the dinner plate varieties.

  3. I'm having a completely embarrassing moment of thinking, "Wait. Where on the planet is The Lovely Joanne actually located?" I think I knew this--and can figure it out from going back to older posts--but right now, I'm looking at your growing season with envy. Our peonies are long gone, and we're heading into fall here in Northern MN. I'M NOT READY FOR THAT!

    Last night, I puttered in the garden for the first time in weeks, yanking out crazed creeping thyme, making room for new perennials...but then I thought, "Why bother? Snow will be flying in a month." *insert woebegone face here*

  4. All is looking good! I like your new blog header picture!


  5. And so you deserve to be pleased! it's lovely!

  6. And so you should be...your garden is beautiful.

  7. Hari OM
    I had trouble getting past the hibiscus too... that banner is a stunner!!! Pleased you should be. YAM xx

  8. Pleased? Too mild a word. It is looking wonderful.
    I have never grown peonies successfully. You, and a few other bloggers, are inspiring me to try again.

  9. Congrats to you and your hard-working assistants! Yours looks like a most lovely and happy garden from here. Your rewards for hard work should be beautiful as well as aromatic.

  10. will consider how to take out part of the huge DARK red hibiscus I have here and get it to your never quit.

  11. Very impressive, hard work and we get to enjoy it too.

  12. Beautiful header!

  13. It's looking so bright and colourful!

  14. ...and I thought you couldn't remember the names of flowers! Seriously, it all looks delightful, the hard work was worth it.

  15. wow those are beautiful, I have had to postpone my flower garden till next year but some hibiscus must be on the list

  16. The blog header is gorgeous! Your garden is beautiful; you SHOULD be pleased.

  17. Those flowers are gorgeous!
