
Friday, August 1, 2014

A short vacation and I’m taking it

It’s been two years of grandchildren custody, and two years since I've been on a vacation. Two years of day to day kid moving. My PT Cruiser faced another thousand dollar repair a year ago, at 160,000 miles, so I bought a new car with 15,000 miles. Exactly one year later it has thirty thousand miles and change.

It could be worse; I have that lovely young mother for band carpool; I take them, she brings them home. She just realized our youngest are in the same grade and both headed for marching band. She’s as excited as I was when I figured it out last year.

Of course there is a schedule for this week; Laura’s band camp and Emily’s band practice, two nights a week until some football playoff game or another. It’s just interminable. Aunt Janice and Uncle Tom are in charge this week.

I’m off to Ann’s for a week.

It’s been a disappointing summer for pictures. The weather has been beautiful, but I've been so put-off by the mean-spiritedness of the community I live in I simply have not gone looking for pictures. No monarchs in my own garden, and only two swallowtail butterflies. Quite a disappointment.

When there were interesting critters I only had my phone. I circled the phlox several times yesterday for a picture of this little transport for a fairy or a pixy. Its abdomen was all leather black; its thorax covered in brown hair. At least an inch long. There were two antennae, apparently a proboscis, for it probed the phlox blossoms. The wings never ceased moving, even when it was gathering nectar. I could not capture a decent image, so here is what I got. Any ideas?

Now I’m off to Ann’s for a week.


  1. What I don't know about both the bird and insect world could fill Fenway Park, but - - -
    Isn't there some kind of moth that mimics the size and behavior of humingbirds??

    Have a good time at Ann's. I hope you spend most of the time with yout feet in the air instead of on the gas pedal.

  2. Git out of town girl!! the insect is a hummingbird clearwing moth or Hemaris thysbe

  3. Scoot off to Ann's and have a wonderful, and wonderfully relaxing, time!

  4. well deserved that's for sure, have a good one, kids have started back to school here this week, when I was kid we got june july and all of august off, things are different now

  5. I know those as Sphinx moths... they "imitate" hummingbirds.... several species around. Enjoy your vacation... you sure earned it!

  6. A change is as good as a rest, they say. Enjoy your visit to Ann's and come back refreshed!

  7. Mean-spirited? Really...

    I had a PT Cruiser for six years. I thought it was cool when I bought it. I guess they are really uncool. Who knew? Who cares?

    Have fun.

  8. Hari OM
    Have a go at HUMMINGBIRD CLEARWING MOTH, which is a a similar species to the sphinx moths mentioned by Essay...(you'll like those piccies and you did real good with only a phone to hand!)

    Enjoy that well-earned break. YAM xx

  9. Have a great time! That was a lot of driving you do for the grandkids. I hope your week is a good break!


  10. Enjoy your vacation. I feel I need one too but it will be awhile. Enjoy time with Ann and do put your feet up and enjoy a refreshing drink now and then. xx

  11. I call it a hummingbird moth. On vacation?May I come too?
    Jane x

  12. My first thought was Hummingbird Moth also...
    Have a wonderful week!

  13. I checked with google images and yes it is a hummingbird moth as others have suggested.
    I didn't know there was such an insect. He's quite pretty.
    Enjoy your holiday, you certainly deserve it.

  14. Have a great time at Ann's!

  15. We are all so happy for you that you have this break. Nobody deserves it more.

  16. We haven't taken a vacation in a long time either. I think it's time for us too. You have fun.

  17. Have a good week, can't imagine raising kids at my age, my attitude would stink worse than theirs.

  18. You deserve your holiday, so much, Joanne - have a lovely time.

  19. I hope your holidays are going well. We are just back from 10 days away. I was afraid the garden would cook but there was a fair bit of rain. The only thing missing are the raspberries - there must be some contented raccoons around!

  20. How cool is that moth! Have a restful week.

  21. Saw my first hummingbird moth in Cara's garden yesterday. Got rained out at Lakewood. Enjoy your time with Ann, say hi from me and be in touch when you get back..Relax. someone else is responsible for this week.

  22. Dear Joanne,
    enjoy your well-earned holidays! As to photographing butterflies: so very difficult. Sometimes I almost manage, but always a little something is blurred - they are so very nervous :)
    Have a good time! (And take some photographs to show us)

  23. Every one I know is off on vacations this week. Enjoy!

  24. I believe it is a broad-bordered bee hawk-moth. Have a wonderful vacation Joanne. -- barbara

  25. Have a great time Joanne. Enjoy the silence!

  26. I hope you are having a lovely vacation. You deserve it!

  27. Dear Joanne, I so hope you are enjoying your days off from the daily routine of child car and responsibility. Be gracious to yourself. Peace.

  28. I left for my little vacay the same day. I had a blast. Hope you do/did too.

  29. Two years w/o a break is too much. I hope you're a drinker so that you can spend the entire week half tipsy, letting all sorts of tamped-down stresses fly to the wind.

    And now I want to know what mean-spirited little town you live in. Wonder if I can sleuth it out if I poke around your blog enough...

  30. Actually I think those are great photos of the moth. You can see the motion and energy of the wings.
