
Friday, July 11, 2014

Fashion board

Let's see what I remember from Laura's presentation.

She has designed a line of clothing under her label, Double L.
It's directed toward single women in the 19 year old range, college graduates.
She thinks her line might be carried at The Gap.

On this board you see her label, a sketch and a color rendition.
The accessories might include the silver drop earrings,
the bangles and a large beaded necklace. 

The little bag on the right is blue leather, with a fabric outside pocket.
The dress is the swirly blue fabric, with black stripes.
The little silver buckle is a design feature on the back.
And the model is wearing the blue shoes Laura designed.

This afternoon she and her classmate took their boards to three women's clothing stores on Main Street,
The Grey Colt, The Gap and I don't remember the third.
Their work was warmly received.
The fashion boards are on display for the next Art on Main Street.


  1. Very nicely done! I like how their work was received warmly by the stores they visited! She has talent :)


  2. Dawg! I wish I were 19 again... and had the figure to wear that line! I don't regret my age.... nor the fact that jeans, tee-shirts, boots and "industrial strength" underwear is my everyday attire, but... one of those swirlly, sexy dresses (with shoes to match) would be lovely... as long as it flowed over curves, not cellulite bumps. Laura is to be applauded for her talents... You go girl!

  3. She did a great job.

  4. It appears she may have some talent in this regard. There are some good design schools in NYC, as well as other places. Considering giving her a nudge in that direction?

  5. This child is going to make her mark on the world!
    Well done Laura. I like that blue and black dress.

  6. Great stuff! Is she planning on a design career? Clever girl.

  7. wow, very creative; years ago I had a friend in SF who made patterns and sample dresses from designer's boards, it was all very interesting to me to see how the concept is brought to fruition, the behind the scenes part of fashion.

  8. If she is successful, then we'll be seeing her range on our high street - 1$ = £1 - that's the way they import to here.

  9. That is something to be proud of,Laura!
    Jane x

  10. Hari OM]
    Beautiful... her work is darned good too... YAM xx

  11. That's wonderfully creative.


  12. Absolutely brilliant. I love her work.

  13. all that wonderful creativity being given the opportunity to bloom. good job gramma.
